The present study is a pollen. morp holt, meal investigation of HO species belonging to I ." of the 22 known neotropical genera of Lauraceae, I lbs, , itiuns in, /••/ • !'< rtiuutc. The exine is very thin and , oh I .,<•â-,.',.' l' <•' ••>' , ' >dies 'ITie surface of exine is scattered with point, d o, blunt. • >• â-â-. • ' les are made up of mi, nanus nghll\ no, en sinuuis. lion basis a', encompassed In o Hi, â-hh, /cm The inline was found to be Ho ' â-'' "'/ ''' '"ds It is ,e„,u,huhli that a similar t\pc of intiiu has been en, , • " -ii'in I'd, nging to such disparate genera as Carina, Heliconia, Hernandia, and Palmeria. The taxonomic implications of the paly-