Abstract. Two new species of Copris Geoffroy, 1762 are described and illustrated: Copris (subgenus incertae sedis) caobangensis sp. n. from Caobang Province (northern Vietnam) and Copris (Copris) sonensis sp. n. from Thanhhoa Province (central Vietnam). Copris (Copris) szechouanicus Balthasar, 1958 is recorded in Vietnam for the fi rst time and data on the morphology, distribution and ecology of this species are given. An updated species list and an identifi cation key for the Copris species so far known from Vietnam are presented along with detailed photographs of the poorly known species.
Dung beetles are widely used as bio-indicators of habitat changes because they respond quickly to changes in environmental conditions. Altitudinal variation in dung-beetle communities has been studied in various geographical areas. However, there is little known about dung-beetle shifting in tropical forests of Vietnam. This study investigates dung-beetle communities along an altitudinal gradient ranged from 400 to 800 m above sea level (a.s.l.). We collected dung beetles at three transects of three altitudinal classes (altitudinal class 1 = 400 m a.s.l., class 2 = 600 m a.s.l., and class 3 = 800 m a.s.l.) in primary forests of Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, using baited pitfall traps. In total, 28 dung-beetle species of 10 genera were recorded during the course of the study. Of the total recorded species, 25, 22 and 17 species were collected in the altitudinal class 1, class 2, and class 3, respectively. The ANOVA test and Tukey’s post-hoc test showed significant differences in species richness, Shannon diversity, and abundance of dung beetles across the altitudinal gradient. Altitudinal class 1 had the highest richness of dung beetles. However, the highest abundance was recorded in the altitudinal class 2. Several dung-beetle species, in response to global warming, have shifted their altitudinal range upward, leading to serious conservation problems such as extinctions of high-elevation species.
I examined variation in community structure, species richness, biomass and abundance of Coprini dung beetles from 45 trapping sites in meadows, 35-year-old secondary forests and primary forests in tropical, high-elevation karst ecosystems of Puluong Nature Reserve, Thanh Hoa Province. My main aim was to explore community response to the influence of land use change. By comparing the structure and community attributes of the beetles between 35-year-old secondary forests and primary forests, I expected to give indications on the conservation value of the old secondary forests for beetle conservation. Community structure significantly differed among land-use types. Species richness, abundance and biomass were significantly higher in forest habitats than in meadows. The cover of ground vegetation, soil clay content and tree diameter are important factors structuring Coprini communities in karst ecosystems of Pu Luong. The secondary forests, after 35 years of regrowth showed similarities in species richness, abundance and biomass to primary forests. This gives hope for the recovery of Coprini communities during forest succession. Keywords: Coprini, dung beetles, karst ecosystems, land use change, Pu Luong. References: [1] I. Hanski, Y. Cambefort, Dung beetle ecology, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1991.[2] C.H. Scholtz, A.L.V. Davis, U. Kryger, Evolutionary biology and conservation of dung beetles, Pensoft Publisher, Bulgaria, 2009.[3] E. Nichols, S. Spector, J. Louzada, T. Larsen, S. Amezquita, M.E. Favila et al., Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by Scarabaeinae dung beetles, Biol. Conserv. 141 (2008) 1461-1474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2008.04.011.[4] H.K. Gibbsa, A.S. Rueschb, F. Achardc, M.K. Claytond, P. Holmgrene, N. Ramankuttyf, J.A. 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