Summary:The vasomotor responses of tachykinins have been studied in the cerebral vasculature of human, pig, cat, and guinea pig, Substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), neurokinin B (NKB), and neuropeptide K (NPK) induced concentration-dependent relaxations of pre con tracted cerebral arteries in all species when examined by a sensitive in vitro technique, In addition, the relaxant responses to SP, NKA, and NKB were studied in cat pial arterioles by peptide microapplication in situ. In human pial vessels, the order of relaxant potency was SP > N KB > NKA > NPK; in the pig middle cerebral artery, there was no difference in potency between the tachykinins; in the cat middle cerebral artery, SP = NKB > NKA = NPK; and in the guinea pig basilar artery, SP :» NPK = NKA > NKB. Responses induced by SP, NKA, and NKB in the cat were comparable in vitro and in situ. Removal of the endothelium abolished relaxation induced by all four tachykinins. The relaxant responses of guinea It is well recognized that substance P (SP), which is a peptide involved in the mechanisms of nocicep tion, also produces strong relaxation of cerebral ar teries in vitro and in situ (Edvinsson et al. , , 1982. SP is present in afferent nerve fibers (Edvins son et al. , 1981(Edvins son et al. , , 1982(Edvins son et al. , , 1983 originating in trigem inal nerve cell bodies that supply cerebral blood vessels (Liu-Chen et al. , 1983a,b). The trigemino cerebrovascular system has been thought to initiate Received October 22, 1990; revised December 13, 1990; ac cepted February 1, 1991. Address correspondence and reprint requests to I. Jansen at Department of Experimental Research, University of Lund, Malmo General Hospital, S-214 01 Malmo, Sweden.Ab b revi ati ons used : CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; NKA; neurokinin A; NPK, neuro peptide K; NKB, neurokinin B; PPT, preprotachykinin; PGF2a, prostaglandin F2a; SP, substance P.
567pig basilar arteries to SP, NKA, and NPK were compet itively antagonized by the SP antagonist Spantide. How ever, Spantide lowered the I max of the NKB concentra tion-response curve without any rightward shift, suggest ing action at a different site than the other tachykinins. In the guinea pig basilar artery, the relaxation seems to be exerted via a N K -1 receptor subtype while the receptor subtype is more unclear in cerebral arteries from human, cat, and pig. It is concluded that relaxations induced by SP, NKA, NKB, and NPK are dependent on the endo thelium, and are antagonized either competitively or non competitively by the SP antagonist Spantide. The origin of tachykinins acting through the endothelium is dis cussed. Key Words: Cerebral arteries-In vitro pharma cology-In situ-Substance P-Neurokinin A Neuropeptide K-Neurokinin B-Cat-Guinea pig Pig-Human. (Nawa et al. , 1983(Nawa et al. , , 1984Krause et al. , 1985). a-PPT A contains SP while f3-PPT A and T-PPT A contain both SP and NKA.NPK is a prolonged form of NKA and is derived from f3-PPT A. NKB is derived from PPT B, which is g...