Three spontaneous rnidribless mutants in pearl millet I Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leekej were identified after screening the world collection of over 17,000 germ plasm accessions. The m~dribless mutants are characterized by leaf blades that tend to droop because of the absence of a keel in the midrib portion of the leaf lamina. Seed set was drastically reduced in J 561 (India) and IP 6534 (Mali) midribless mutants as the gynoecium and androecium were affected. In another midribless mutant, IP 10154 (Mali), the gynoecium was absent or rudimentary, but the androecium was more prominent with prolific pollen shedding. Studies of F, segregation in reciprocal crosses between normal and their respective rnidribless mutants indicated that a single recessive gene controlled the midribless trait in each of the three mutants. Tests for complementation among the midribless mutants indicated that J 561 and IP 6534 have the same gene for the trait designated mrl,, and IP 101 54 has a different gene designated mrl,. The midribless trait in J 561 (mrl,) showed independent assortment with three qualitative seedling traits, viz., bright yellow (by by), glossy (81 go, and trichomeless (tr tr). Appa Rae, Gelletlc Resourcrs ICKlh,,T, Pa tants. Morphological characters were re-segregated for midribless and normal tanchew. 502 324, Andhra Pradesh. lndra corded using the standard pearl millet plants. Two of the midribless mutants (IP Journal of Heredity 1~88.79.1~-20, OULZ.IS(IRIXRIS:' 00 descriptors.~Ovule fertility and seed set 7 Kr~duru. P K K., and M. K r l~l i r~a Roo (ienetlcs of qualitative traits and linkirgr studlea 111 pearl millet 2 . Pflanzenzuchtg YO 1-22. 1983 X Kr~shnanwamy, N ,and ti N Rnr~gaswatrly Ayyangar. Analomical sludies III the leaves ol the ~~~i l l e t s , J Ind Bot Soc 21:249-262, 1942 !4 Kunlar, L. S S , altd H' V. Joshi. Experinlents orr the eflect ol X-rays on Pmnrretum lyphvrdeum Rlch. Ind J Agrir Sci. 9,675-684, 1939 10 Powell, J B .and C. W. Burton Gcnet~c suppression IJI shoot-trichomes ill pearl n~illet, Penniselum ryphordes Crop Sci 11:763-765, I971