Detrital zircon and igneous zircon U-Pb ages are reported from Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in northern New Mexico. These data give new insight into the provenance and depositional age of a >3-km-thick metasedimentary succession and help resolve the timing of orogenesis within an area of overlapping accretionary orogens and thermal events related to the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of southwest Laurentia. Three samples from the Paleoproterozoic Vadito Group yield narrow, unimodal detrital zircon age spectra with peak ages near 1710 Ma. Igneous rocks that intrude the Vadito Group include the Cerro Alto metadacite, the Picuris Pueblo granite, and the Peñasco quartz monzonite and yield crystallization ages of 1710 ± 10 Ma, 1699 ± 3 Ma, and 1450 ± 10 Ma, respectively. Within the overlying Hondo Group, a metamorphosed tuff layer from the Pilar Formation yields an age of 1488 ± 6 Ma and represents the fi rst direct depositional age constraint on any part of the Proterozoic metasedimentary succession in northern New Mexico. Detrital zircon from the overlying Piedra Lumbre Formation yield a minimum age peak of 1475 Ma, and ~60 grains (~25%) yield ages between 1500 Ma and 1600 Ma, possibly representing non-Laurentian detritus originating from Australia and/or Antarctica. Detrital zircons from the basal metaconglomerate and the middle quartzite member of the Marqueñas Formation yield minimum age peaks of 1472 Ma and 1471 Ma, consistent with earlier results. We interpret the onset of ca. 1490-1450 Ma deposition followed by tectonic burial, regional Al 2 SiO 5 triple-point metamorphism, and ductile deformation at depths of 12-18 km to refl ect a Mesoproterozoic contractional orogenic event, possibly related to the fi nal suturing of the Mazatzal crustal province to the southern margin of Laurentia. We propose to call this event the Picuris orogeny.
New detrital zircon geochronologic data from the Straight Cliffs Formation of southern Utah provide insight into the controls on stratigraphic architecture of the Western Interior Basin during Turonian-early Campanian time. Detrital zircon ages (N = 40, n = 3650) derived from linked fl uvial and shallow-marine depositional systems of the Kaiparowits Plateau indicate the majority of zircons in fl uvial strata were derived from the Mogollon Highlands (1.25-1.90 Ga, 67% of fl uvial zircons), with subordinate contributions delivered from the Sevier fold-andthrust belt (265-1250 Ma, 17%) and Cordilleran magmatic sources (81-265 Ma, 16%). Integration of these data with fl uvial facies distributions, petrography, clast counts, and evidence of magmatic arc sources from the Mohave region of California implies the presence of a northeast-fl owing, axial fl uvial system. This system was fed by rivers draining the Mogollon Highlands to the south and by transverse drainages from the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt to the west. Compared to the fl uvial deposits, shallow-marine sandstones have a greater proportion of Sevier fold-and-thrust belt-derived zircons (42%), which were delivered via longshore currents from the north. Shallow-marine samples also contain less Mogollon input (44%) compared to contemporaneous fl uvial systems, and similar input from the magmatic arc (14%). Although Proterozoic zircons associated with the Mogollon Highlands are also present in the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, several lines of evidence argue for a distinct southerly source for the Straight Cliffs Formation. These include (1) moderate proportions of feldspar and angular quartz grains in fl uvial sandstones, which favor a felsic intrusive source, and (2) prominent 1.4 and 1.7 Ga zircon populations. The 1.4 and 1.7 Ga peaks are the only dominant Proterozoic peaks in samples from the Straight Cliffs Formation, whereas samples derived more directly from the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt tend to have a broader distribution of Proterozoic age peaks. Up-section architectural trends in the Straight Cliffs Formation are linked to trends in detrital zircon geochronologic data, underscoring the likelihood of common drivers and controls. The axial system depositing Straight Cliffs fl uvial strata was primarily fed by drainages originating in the Mogollon Highlands during a pulse of tectonic activity in the Maria fold-and-thrust belt and generally high subsidence rates in the foreland basin (Turonian-Santonian). Over time, activation of the Paxton duplex in the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt (early Campanian) exhumed proximal foreland basin strata and enabled drainage systems from the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt to feed into the basin more prominently. The results presented here underscore the potential signifi cance of axial fl uvial systems and their complex interplay with transverse drainage networks in foreland basins.
The Core Zone, a broad region located between the Superior and North Atlantic cratons and predominantly underlain by Archean gneiss and granitoid rocks, remained until recently one of the less well known parts of the Canadian Shield. Previously thought to form part of the Archean Rae Craton, and later referred to as the Southeastern Churchill Province, it has been regarded as an ancient continental block trapped between the Paleoproterozoic Torngat and New Quebec orogens, with its relationships to the adjacent Superior and North Atlantic cratons remaining unresolved. The geochronological data presented herein suggest that the Archean evolution of the Core Zone was distinct from that in both the Superior and North Atlantic (Nain) cratons. Moreover, the Core Zone itself consists of at least three distinct lithotectonic entities with different evolutions, referred to herein as the George River, Mistinibi-Raude and Falcoz River blocks, that are separated by steeply-dipping, crustal-scale shear zones interpreted as paleosutures. Specifically, the George River Block consists of ca. 2.70 Ga supracrustal rocks and associated ca. 2.70–2.57 Ga intrusions. The Mistinibi-Raude Block consists of remnants of a ca. 2.37 Ga volcanic arc intruded by a ca. 2.32 Ga arc plutonic suite (Pallatin) and penecontemporaneous alkali plutons (Pelland and Nekuashu suites). It also hosts a coarse clastic cover sequence (the Hutte Sauvage Group) which contains detrital zircons provided from locally-derived, ca. 2.57–2.50 Ga, 2.37–2.32 Ga, and 2.10–2.08 Ga sources, with the youngest concordant grain dated at 1987 ± 7 Ma. The Falcoz River Block consists of ca. 2.89–2.80 Ga orthogneiss intruded by ca. 2.74–2.70 granite, tonalite, and granodiorite. At the western margin of the Core Zone, the George River Block and Kuujjuaq Domain may have been proximal by ca. 1.84 Ga as both appear to have been sutured by the 1.84–1.82 Ga De Pas Batholith, whereas at its eastern margin, the determination of metamorphic ages of ca. 1.85 to 1.80 Ga in the Falcoz River Block suggests protracted interaction with the adjacent Lac Lomier Complex during their amalgamation and suturing, but with a younger, ‘New Quebec’ overprint as well. The three crustal blocks forming the Core Zone add to a growing list of ‘exotic’ Archean to earliest Paleoproterozoic microcontinents and crustal slices that extend around the Superior Craton from the Grenville Front through Hudson Strait, across Hudson Bay and into Manitoba and Saskatchewan, in what was the Manikewan Ocean realm, which closed between ca. 1.83–1.80 Ga during the formation of supercontinent Nuna.RÉSUMÉLa Zone noyau, une vaste région située entre les cratons du Supérieur et de l’Atlantique Nord et reposant principalement sur des gneiss archéens et des roches granitiques, est demeurée jusqu’à récemment l’une des parties les moins bien connues du Bouclier canadien. Considérée auparavant comme faisant partie du craton archéen de Rae, puis comme la portion sud-est de la Province de Churchill, on l’a perçue comme un ancien bloc continental piégé entre les orogènes paléoprotérozoïques des Torngat et du Nouveau-Québec, ses relations avec les cratons supérieurs adjacents et de l’Atlantique Nord demeurant nébuleuses. Les données géochronologiques présentées ici permettent de penser que l’évolution archéenne de la Zone noyau a été différente de celle des cratons du Supérieur et de l’Atlantique Nord (Nain). De plus, la Zone noyau elle-même se compose d’au moins trois entités lithotectoniques distinctes avec des évolutions différentes, appelées ici les blocs de la rivière George, de Mistinibi-Raude et de la rivière Falcoz, lesquels sont séparées par des zones de cisaillement crustales à forte inclinaison, conçues comme des paléosutures. Plus précisément, le bloc de la rivière George est constitué de roches supracrustales d'env. 2,70 Ga, et d’intrusions connexes d'env. 2,70–2,57 Ga. Le bloc Mistinibi-Raude est constitué de vestiges d’un arc volcanique d'env. 2,37 Ga, recoupé par une suite plutonique d’arc d'env. 2,32 Ga (Pallatin) et de plutons alcalins péné-contemporains (suites Pelland et Nekuashu). Il contient également une séquence de couverture clastique grossière (le groupe Hutte Sauvage) renfermant des zircons détritiques de sources locales, âgés d'env. 2,57–2,50 Ga, 2,37–2,32 Ga et 2,10–2,08 Ga, le grain concordant le plus jeune étant âgé de 1987 ± 7 Ma. Le bloc de la rivière Falcoz est formé d’un orthogneiss âgé d'env. 2,89–2,80 Ga, recoupé par des intrusions de granite, tonalite et granodiorite âgées d'env. 2,74–2,70 Ga. À la marge ouest de la Zone noyau, le bloc de la rivière George et du domaine de Kuujjuaq peuvent avoir été proximaux il y a 1,84 Ga env., car les deux semblent avoir été suturés par le batholithe De Pas il y a environ 1,84–1,82 Ga, alors qu’à sa marge est, la détermination des datations métamorphiques de 1,85 à 1,80 Ga dans le bloc de la rivière Falcoz suggère une interaction prolongée avec le complexe adjacent du lac Lomier durant leur amalgamation et leur suture, mais affecté aussi d’une surimpression « Nouveau Québec » plus jeune. Les trois blocs crustaux formant la Zone noyau s’ajoutent à une liste croissante de micro-continents et d’écailles crustales « exotiques » archéennes à paléoprotérozoïques très précoces qui s’étalent autour du craton Supérieur depuis le front de Grenville jusqu’au Manitoba, à travers le détroit d’Hudson, la baie d’Hudson jusque dans le Manitoba et la Saskatchewan, là où s’étendait l’océan Manikewan, lequel s’est refermé il y a environ 1,83–1,80 Ga, pendant la formation du supercontinent Nuna.
The middle to late Miocene Altar porphyry Cu-(Au-Mo) deposit, located in the Andean Main Cordillera of San Juan Province (Argentina), is characterized by the superposition of multiple vein generations consisting of both porphyry-type and high sulfidation epithermal-style alteration and mineralization. We constrain the physical and chemical evolution of the hydrothermal fluids that formed this deposit based on description and distribution of vein types, scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace elements in quartz veins, and fluid inclusion microthermometry.Quartz CL textures and trace elements (chiefly Li, Al, Ti, and Ge) differentiate among quartz generations precipitated during different mineralization and alteration events. Early quartz ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins and quartz ± molybdenite veins (A and B veins) show considerable complexity and were commonly reopened, and some underwent quartz dissolution. Early quartz ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins (A veins) are dominated by equigranular bright CL quartz with homogeneous texture. Most of these veins contain higher Ti concentrations than any other vein type (average: 100 ppm) and have low to intermediate Al concentrations (65-448 ppm). Quartz ± molybdenite (B veins) and chlorite + rutile ± hematite (C veins) veins contain quartz of intermediate CL intensity that commonly shows growth zones with oscillatory CL intensity. Quartz from these veins has intermediate Ti concentrations (~20 ppm) and Al concentrations similar to those of A veins. Quartz from later quartz + pyrite veins with quartz + muscovite ± tourmaline halos (D veins) has significantly lower CL intensity, low Ti (<15 ppm) and elevated Al concentrations (up to 1,000 ppm), and typically contains euhedral growth zones. Late veins rich in sulfides and sulfosalts show CL textures typical of epithermal deposits (dark CL quartz, crustiform banding, and euhedral growth zones). Quartz from these veins typically contains less than 5 ppm Ti, and Al, Li, and Ge concentrations are elevated relative to other vein types. Based on experimentally established relationships between Ti concentration in quartz and temperature, the decrease in Ti content in successively later quartz generations indicates that the temperature of the hydrothermal fluids decreased through time during the evolution of the system.Vein formation at Altar occurred at progressively lower pressure, shallower paleodepth, and lower temperature. Under lithostatic pressures, the magma supplied low-salinity aqueous fluids at depths of ~6 to 6.8 km (pressures of 1.6-1.8 kbar) and temperatures of 670° to 730°C (first quartz generation of early quartz ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins). This parental fluid episodically depressurized and cooled at temperatures and pressures below the brine-vapor solvus. Quartz ± molybdenite veins precipitated from fluids at temperatures of 510° to 540°C and pressures of 800 to 1,000 bars, corresponding to depths of 3 to 3.7 km under lithostatic pressures. Further cooling of hydrothermal fluids to te...
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