-The study aimed to assess the prevalence and sociodemographic, occupational and lifestyle factors associated with overweight/obesity in state teachers from a northeastern Brazilian city. A cross-sectional study involving teachers from the city of Jequié-BA initially selected by cluster sampling (schools) was conducted. The sample consisted of 300 teachers, including 72.7% (n=214) women. Sociodemographic, occupational and lifestyle data were investigated. Body weight and height were obtained by self-report. Prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated and a level of significance of 5% was adopted. The overall prevalence of overweight/obesity was 47.2%. The prevalence was significantly higher among male teachers (58.2%), married or cohabitating subjects (49.1%), whites and mulattoes (87.6%), teachers with an income > R$ 2,002.00 and a permanent contract (45.9%), and subjects who did not consume fruits or vegetables (49.1%). After multivariate analysis, only gender (95% CI = 0.16-0.66) and consumption of fruits and vegetables (95% CI = 0.25-0.98) remained significantly associated with overweight/obesity among teachers. These findings promote debate on the need for actions designed to encourage the adoption of an active lifestyle by the teacher population. Key words: Obesity; Occupational health; Overweight. 300 professores, 72,7% (n=214) (58,2%), casados ou vivendo em união estável (49,1%), brancos e pardos (87,6%), com renda > R$ 2.002,00, com vínculo de trabalho efetivo (45,9%) e que não consumiam frutas e verduras (49,1%). Após a análise multivariada, apenas as variáveis sexo (IC 95% = 0,66)
Resumo -O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência e os fatores sociodemograficos, ocupacionais e hábitos de vida associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade entre professores da rede estadual de um município do nordeste brasileiro. Estudo de corte-transversal com professores da rede estadual do município de Jequié-BA selecionados, inicialmente, por conglomerados (escolas). A amostra foi constituída por