The antino acid tmquencc of ubiquilin from ~tmm~elm histMyticu, as dedu~d from a eDNA nucl¢otid¢ Paluen~. deviated at six positions from the consensus of all other known ubiquitins (run,rig from To '/umosm;u, ¢ru:i to Hmm, x#pienx). The corresponding re,..~idaes were r,e.~ttcre..d over the primary ~quence. but came ¢lorm together on the surfa= of tl~e folded prot~'in structure. We conclude that (i) E. hixtd.vtiea bnumhed olT wry early from the main eakaryoti¢ line, and (ii) thi:¢ or~'mism may yield clues as to the evolutionary development of the ubiquitin sy=t¢m. Against this background we thought it interesting to investigate the amebal ubiquitin, Ubiquitin is a 76. amino acid protein found in all eukaryotic cells where people have looked for it; it has not been found in any prokaryote yet, The amino acid sequence of ubiquitin has been highly conserved throughout evolution, which may be a necessary consequence of its astonishing multifunctionality. The best.characterized biological role of ubiquitin is that of a covalently bound recognition signal for non-lysosomal proteolysis; ubiquitin is also found in linear ubiquitin-prot¢in fusions. Putative functions of ubiquitination include DNA repair, ¢¢11 cycle control, stress response and ribosome biogenesis. In a recent review [3] it has been estimated that over forty Below we present the coding sequence for ubiquitin derived from an amebal eDNA done. The amino acid sequence deduced from this nucleotide sequence devi. ated substantially from that of all other ubiquitins ann. lyzed so far-in particular, six of the variant positions were unique for the E, histolytica ubiquitin. We discuss the implications of this finding for the evolutionary history of' both E, hl#tolytica and the ubiquitin system.
I. Cell~E, hixtMj,rir# HM hIMSS trophozoites were 8town ax=nically at 36*C in TY1-$.33 medium [5] with 15% serum, supplemgnted with penicillin (lO0/Jgml "~) and streptomycin .~ulfate (i00'~), The ameba= were harvested in lat¢-IoiPtrithmi¢ growth by chilling on ice and a 10.rain ccnzrifuBation at 400 x g, and washed twice in phos. phate-buffered laiia=.
"E~ridmwnl of ubiqultia io amebal protoitJ extractThe ~lis were suspended in phozphatc-bu•wd saline with iodoacctamid¢ (2 raM) to suppress amebal protear¢ activity [6]. and disrupted with a Branson sonifyer (25 puir,¢,~ of 0.5 s at 40.-50 W), The pro~dur¢ for the enrichment of ubiquilin followed that describ¢d in [7] up to and including the ammonium sulfate fractionations. The ubiquitin.comaining material pr~ipitatcd by 80% (w/v) ammonium sulfate was diraoived in 50 mM Tris.HCl, pH 7,4, and subjected to SOS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis,
SDS.PAGE and hmmmoblot analj,aisProteins were separated by SDS-PAG E ( 16% acwlamide. 6 M urea) a~ordin= to ~cMngor and yon Ja~ow [8]. and transferred to nitrootllulose or hnmohilon.P membrane by ¢lcciroblotting. Ubiquitia was detected with polyclonal antibodies ag:tin~t SDS-denatured bovine
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