Abstract. In the marine heliozoan Actinocoryne contractilis, uninterrupted rods of microtubules stiffen the axopodia and the stalk. Stimulation in sea water elicits an extremely fast contraction (millisecond range) accompanied by almost complete Mt dissociation. Using high-speed cinematography and light transmittance measurements, we have studied the process of Mt disassembly in real time. In sea water, Mt disassembly follows an exponential decrease (mean half time of 4 ms) or proceeds by short steps. Cell contraction and Mt disassembly have been inhibited or slowed down through the use of artificial media. Although kinetics are slower (mean half time of 3 s), the curves of the length change against time look similar. The rapid as well as the slower process are accompanied by the formation of breakpoints on the stalk, from which disassembly proceeds. In specimens fixed during the slowed contraction, the presence across the Mt rods, of a single or multiple destabilization band that may consist of granular material and polymorphic forms of tubulin supports the hypothesis of "intercalary destabilization and breakdown" of axonemal Mts.S EVERAL schemes have been suggested to explain the way in which microtubule assembly and disassembly can be brought about. One of the first models proposed that subunits may be exchanged along the whole length of the microtubnles (Mts) 1 (Inou~ and Sato, 1967; Inou~ and Ritter, 1975). Later, on the basis of biochemical data, the assembly-disassembly process was interpreted as the result of an equilibrium between mierotubule-polymers and a critical concentration of tubulin subunits at steady state (Johnson and Borisy, 1977). The role of GTP was defined (Carlier and Pantaloni, 1981) showing that the Mrs with terminal bound GTP subunits (GTP caps) are more stable than those uncapped (terminal guanosine diphosphate [GDP] subunits) (Carlier, 1982). These data, and the behavior of individual Mts in a solution of tubulin (catastrophic disassembly), suggested a GTP cap model for dynamic instability (Mitchison and Kirschner, 1984). However, Mt kinetics is sometimes so fast that a breakdown and annealing hypothesis was suggested to account for rapid remodeling of microtubules (Salmon, 1984).The present paper is focused on a remarkably rapid disassembly of Mts in the stalked heliozoan Actinocoryne contractilis. The first ultrastructural evidence for a Mt-based cytoskeleton in the heliozoans was provided by Tilney and Porter (1965). It was then suggested that the microtubule rods in these microorganisms were involved in elongation 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: Am, artificial media; DB, destabilization bands; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; Mr, microtubule; NMG, N-methyl-glucamine; PEGc, polyethylene glycol compound; SW, sea water.and shortening of long stiff processes, the axopodia (Tflney and Porter, 1967). We report experiments which suggest that "intercalary destabilization and breakdown of Mts" may be one of the systems used in vivo by heliozoans for the very rapid shortening of the axopo...