3 (1977) 165-182. A survey of the different types of shift-work systems in use, and the incidence of shift work in different industries and countries, is followed by a discussion of (a) the effects of shift work on health and (b) the physiological problems raised by the phase-shifting of the circadian cycle in night workers. Summaries of the existing knowledge of the effects of shift work on performance efficiency, accidents, and family and social life are then given, and a set of criteria for designing optimal shift systems is proposed. Next, the questions of selection for shift work and the provision of health services for shiftworkers are discussed. Finally, the need for further research on the problems of shift work is explained, and suggestions are offered on the lines such research should follow.Key words: accidents, attitudes, circadian r'hythms, gastrointestinal disease, interpersonal relationships, performance efficiency, personnel selection, psychosocial factors, shift work, sleep.The literature on shift work is ,considerable. Most of the available reports ,concern a particula'r approach to the problem. However, a more general view is given in some recent publications (22, 52,68,73, 90), and several international symposia have been devoted to this subject (e.g., 24, 27, 93, 94). 'I1he present paper is a review of the most important and generally a,ccepted facts on shift work and its possible effects on health and related factors.Institute of Work Physiology at the Univel'sity of Dortmund, Federal Republic of Gel'many.