The immunocytochemical localization of cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP), of plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP), and of plasma transthyretin (TTR) was studied in rat liver and kidney. The studies employed normal rats, retinol-deficient rats, and rats fed excess retinol . Antisera were prepared in rabbits against purified rat CRBP, RBP, and TTR . The primary antibodies and goat anti-rabbit IgG were purified by immunosorbent affinity chromatography, using the respective pure antigen coupled to Sepharose as the immunosorbent . This procedure effectively removed cross-reactive and heterophile antibodies, which permitted the specific staining and localization of each antigen by the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase method . CRBP was found to be localized in two cell types in the liver, the parenchymal cells and the fat-storing cells . Diffuse cytoplasmic staining for CRBP was seen in all the parenchymal cells . Much more intense staining for CRBP was seen in the fat-storing cells . The prominence of the CRBP-positive fat-storing cells changed markedly with vitamin A status . Thus, these cells were most prominent, and appeared most numerous, in liver from rats fed excess retinol . Both RBP and TTR were localized within liver parenchymal cells . The intensity of RBP staining increased markedly in retinol-deficient rat liver, consistent with previous biochemical observations . With the methods employed, specific staining for RBP or TTR was not seen in cells other than the parenchymal cells . In the kidney, all three proteins (CRBP, RBP, and TTR) were localized in the proximal convoluted tubules of the renal cortex . Staining for RBP was much more intense in normal kidney than in kidney from retinol-deficient rats. These findings reflect the fact that RBP in the tubules represents filtered and reabsorbed RBP . The pattern of specific staining for CRBP among the various tubules was very similar to that seen for RBP on adjacent, serial sections of kidney . The function of CRBP in the kidney is not known .It is now well established that specific binding proteins for retinol exist in plasma and in the intracellular compartment in a number of tissues. These proteins play important roles in the metabolism of vitamin A. Thus, retinol-binding protein (RBP)`, the specific plasma transport protein for vitamin A, transports retinol from its storage site in the liver to peripheral target tissues in the body. A different protein, cellular retinolbinding protein (CRBP) is found within cells in many tissues.Since the initial isolation of human RBP in 1968 (1), 'Abbreviations used in this paper are : CRBP, cellular retinol-binding protein ; RBP, retinol-binding protein ; TTR, transthyretin .
1696extensive studies in many laboratories have provided considerable information about the structure, metabolism, and biological roles of RBP (see references 2-4 for recent reviews) . RBP, with a molecular weight close to 21,000 and one binding site for retinol, is synthesized in (5) and secreted by the liver . RBP in plasma stro...