Background: Plectranthus vettiveroides is an aromatic perennial herb, which belongs to family Lamiaceae. The whole plant of P. vettiveroides is aromatic, bitter, cooling, febrifuge, diaphoretic, stimulant, diuretic, useful in vitiated conditions of pitta, burning sensation, leprosy, skin diseases, leucoderma, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, ulcers, stomachic and emmenagogue. In the present investigation morpho-anatomical, preliminary phyto-chemical, physico-chemical parameters and TLC/HPTLC fingerprint of the whole plant of P. vettiveroids were carried out and reported. Objective: To carry out morpho-anatomical, phytochemical and TLC/HPTLC studies on dried whole plant of P. vettiveroides for authentication/identification. Methods: The morphology, microscopy and phyto-chemical investigation were carried out by following standard methods. Results: Microscopically spiral, reticulated, scalariform and pitted vessels, libriform and septate fibres, multicellular branched covering trichomes, glandular trichomes and silica crystals are the unique diagnostic characteristics in whole plant of P. vettiveroides. The preliminary phyto-chemical, physico-chemical parameters and number of spots and R f values of TLC/HPTLC are found to be unique diagnostic characteristics of the plant for identification. Conclusion: The finding of present study is helpful in standardization of formulation consists of whole plant of P. vettiveroides as ingredient in their powdered form and also for authentication/ identification of dried whole plant of P. vettiveroides.