In the research are presented experimental software for simultaneous remote project management and project documentation tracking of several projects simultaneously. Tracking and management functionality gives opportunity the teams, tasks, resources, roles of members, reports, papers and etc. A documents repository is appointed to every project. The repositories could be classified, categorized (by many characteristics),shared (by preliminary defined access-conditions assigned by owner or author), to be searched (by complicated pre-saved logical queries with Boolean clauses) and etc. The role of each user may be precise specified in dependence of prescribed set of permeations and capabilities in different system contexts. The use of practical approach and modern mobile technologies is envisioned: three-play architecture (DAL, BBL and UIL) with implementation of C# and ASP.NET, server based Web and e-mobile WAP user controls.
INTRODUCTIONThis research is in the area of the activities (events) planning and project management in education and research work holding in collaboration team environment on basis of self-governing principles. This types of projects are characterized by large number of parameters. [5, 11] with comparison with project types managed in business areas of manufacturing, deliveries, cervices and etc. Their specifics concern different aspects of organization and structuring of the project itself [6, 12], including project partners, project management, communication between teams. As it is well known the projects are characterized with strictly defined requirements related with the co-ordination, budget estimates, decision making, finances management, terms and schedules, task durations, working times, project documentation tracking and task report tracking. Communication between different project teams and team's members is of paramount importance. In this case robust synchronous and non-synchronous communication is a key factor and is strongly compulsory. Communication may take place with different means.Collaboration work and project management to be optimized a several types of software solutions are used. Generally discussion management systems, document management systems, resource management systems, the systems supporting collaborative decision making are software solutions with topic on ideas, opinions and issues exchange between team's members through text-messages adding in a central project-documentation directory. However, in some cases the software applications possess a powerful functionality for e -content publishing, editing, classification, manipulation and searching, for example FirstClass [10], Web Crossing [14], Eve (more notorious as Ultimate BBS) [1].Commonly the software solutions for collaborative work, team activities management have a main purpose to support a security protected environment, with strongly controlled access only for authorized members and consultants, to communicate between them, to support file -exchange and collaborative -work. Most popular systems ar...