Soft winter wheat cultivars were infected in the field or in a growth chamber with an inoculum consisting of soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) and wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV). Only SBWMV was screened by ELISA in the leaves and roots of plants. Among 33 wheat cultivars studied in the field, 9 (Capitole, Cargo, Fortuna, Moulin, Rescler, Albatros, Fidel, Rempart, Tarasque) were resistant to the SBWMV-WYMV complex. However, the first five cultivars mentioned above showed transitory mosaic symptoms. Cultivar Pernel, which is susceptible to WYMV and resistant to SBWMV in the field did not show a breakdown of resistance to SBWMV. This might be accounted for by the spread of SBWMV in the plant shoots. In the cultivars resistant to SBWMV, virus could not be detected in the leaves, but was clearly identified in the roots. The virus could be detected only during a part of the life cycle of the plant. Upon completion of the tillering stage, virus concentrations were equally high in the resistant and in the susceptible cultivars. SBWMV associated with all the resistant cultivars studied could be carried to healthy plants by zoospores of Polymyxa graminis attacking the roots at least during the tillering stage. However, the level of inoculum present in the plants of each cultivar was not evaluated. At the end of the life cycle of wheat, resting spores of P. graminis do occur in all wheat cultivars resistant to the SBWMV-WYMV complex. In a growth chamber after inoculation by a soil carrying SBWMV and WYMV, root multiplication of SBWMV has been tested in eleven field-resistant cultivars : Albatros, Apexal, Avalon, Cocagne, Capitole, Fleuron, Fortuna, Moulitt, Pernel, Sabre, Tarasque. Sabre and Avalon showed the same virus concentration as Hardi the susceptible cultivar. In contrast, Albatros and Cocagne showed a lower virus concentration in their roots (the concentration was 10 to 200 times lower in Cocagne than in Hardi). The other cultivars showed an intermediate behavior. The genetic origin of this resistance is discussed.Additional key words : ELISA, Polymyxa graminis, resistance.
RÉSUMÉMultiplication du virus de la mosaïque du blé (VMB = SBWMV) dans les racines de blé infectées par un sol portant le VMB et le virus de la mosaïque jaune du blé (VMJB = WYMV). Des blés tendres d'hiver ont été soumis au champ ou en enceinte climatique à un inoculum constitué par le complexe virus de la mosaïque du blé (VMB), virus de la mosaïque jaune du blé (VMJB). Seul le VMB a été recherché à l'aide d'un test immunoenzymatique dans les feuilles et les racines des plantes. Au champ, sur 33 cultivars étudiés, 9 d'entre eux : « Capitole, Cargo, Fortuna, Moulin, Rescler, Albatros, Fidel, Rempart, Tarasque » sont symptomatologiquement résistants au complexe VMB-VMJB. Cependant les 5 premiers blés cités présentent des symptômes fugaces de mosaïque. Pour le cultivar « Pernel », sensible au VMJB et résistant au VMB au champ, on n'a pas observé de rupture de résistance qui se serait exprimée par une multiplication du VMB dans la partie aérien...