DOLORES PORTAL OLEA, and CRIST~NA ROMERO-AVILA. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2975 (1988).Penta-0-acetyl-D-glucose diethyl dithioacetal monoxide 3 was obtained by oxidation of penta-0-acetyl-D-glucose diethyl dithioacetal 2 with 3-chloroperbenzoic acid. By reaction of 3 with sodium methoxide in methanol and further acetylation, 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2,5-anhydro-D-mannose-diethy dithioacetal monoxide 8 and the reduction product 3.4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2.5-anhydro-l,l-bis(ethyIthio)-l-deoxy-~-arabino-hex--enitol 4 were obtained. Reduction of 8 yielded the corresponding dithioacetal derivative 9, which was converted to 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-23-anhydro-D-mannose diethyl acetal 11. JUAN A. L~P E Z SASTRE, J O S~ MOLINA MOLINA, DOLORES PORTAL OLEA et CRISTINA ROMERO-AVILA. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2975 (1988).L'oxydation du ditthyl dithioacktal du penta-0-acCtyl-D-glucose 2 par I'acide chloro-3 perbenzo'ique conduit au monoxyde du ditthyl dithioacktal penta-0-acttyl-D-glucose 3. La rtaction du composk 3 avec le mkthanolate de sodium dans le mtthanol, suivie d'une acttylation, conduit au monoxyde du diCthyl dithioacktal tri-0-acttyl-3.4,6 dChydro-2,5 D-mannose 8 et au produit de rCduction, le tri-0-acCtyl-3,4,6 anhydro-2,5 bis-kthylthio-I, 1 deoxy-l D-arabino-hexkne I it01 4. La rkduction du composk 8 conduit au dkrivt dithioacttal correspondant 9 que I'on transforme en dikthyl acCtal tri-0-acttyl-3,4,6 anhydro-2,5 D-mannose.[Traduit par la revue]