In this paper, we present an enhanced resolution capturing method for topologically complex two and three dimensional incompressible free surface flows. The method is based upon the level set method of Osher and Sethian to represent the interface combined with two recent advances in the treatment of the interface, a second order accurate discretization of the Dirichlet pressure boundary condition at the free surface (2002, J. Comput. Phys. 176, 205) and the use of massless marker particles to enhance the resolution of the interface through the use of the particle level set method (2002, J. Comput. Phys., 183, 83). Use of these methods allow for the accurate movement of the interface while at the same time preserving the mass of the the liquid, even on coarse computational grids. Also, these methods complement the level set method in its ability to handle changes in interface topology in a robust manner. Surface tension effects can be easily included in our method. The method is presented in three spatial dimensions, with numerical examples in both two and three spatial dimensions.
Governing EquationsWe solve for inviscid, incompressible flow. The governing equations for momentum and mass conservation arewhere t is the time, u = (u, v, w) is the velocity field, p is the pressure, g = (0, g, 0) is gravity, ρ is the constant density of the liquid, and ∇ = (We use the free surface assumption so that the air has a constant pressure, p air , in space and time.The location of the liquid free surface is defined as the set of points where the level set function φ = 0, and the region occupied by the liquid is given by φ < 0. The level set equation [1],determines the evolution of the free surface in space and time. Geometrical information about the interface, e.g. normals and curvature, can be easily obtained from φ which we take as the signed distance to the interface. The unit outward normal is N = ∇φ/|∇φ| and the curvature is κ = ∇ · N. See [2] for more details.