lIRY,:! a nd xr. R. FE~SK E : :S uprr -refi nrd m in eral oils art' high quulit y h ydrocarb on fi uid s prrpu rrd, ill goo d yield , [rom t hr convcnt io nnl lub rican t [rar tions of prlrolrum. Pro rrs srs in volrrd ill th e prrpurution of till 'S" utatrrials inc lude dist illation, solve nt cxtra rtion, dee p d ruraxin g, rxhunst iue hydrogrnat io n, and arid ext raction , The pro cessin g is dl'siglll'd to o ptini iz» v isr osit y -t"1II prra t ure and vi sco sit y-volat ilit.I' rrlat io nships, addit iu r susccpt ibility, and loti, t cni pcrat urc fillid ity . R rsu ltan t hydrora rlron ti uid s exhibit a liquid ra n ge of -15 F t o abov, 100 F , good t hrrnt al stab ilitv to 100 F, rxrrllrnt l nb ririty prop ert ies, an d additive respo nse (fo r [oaming ; oxidation, corrosion, ioear, and lub rication ) of th e sallie order of niagnit udr 'I S t he high q nalit.I' organic esters. T he su prr-refi ned min erai oils sh ow un usual loti, tetn pera t urr vi scosit y pro patiI'S an d blrndin g ch ara ctrristi cs, M cnsured -65 F vi sr ositirs are, ill SOllie cases, less t lian half t he ,'11111" predict ed [ront t hr ..tS T.l 1 ui sr osit y-t rm prrut urr chart . Bl end s of till'S" .flilids u -it h selected polynirric t hickrn rrs an d este rs sluno better than prrdict ed vi sco sit.1'-11' 11I prrat lire pr o pert iI'S. F0 1'111ulat ion s ba sed O IL th ese drep-dcioaxrd, su perrefin ed niinrral oils a p pear t o be particularly at t rart hn for applicatio ns such as high t cm prrat ure hydra ulic fi uids, gas t u rlrim lubric ant s, ou t oniatic t ransm issio n Jluids, i ransnxlr lub ricant s, an d inst ru ntent oil s.