Calcium phosphate bions (CPB) are biomimetic mineralo-organic nanoparticles which represent a physiological mechanism regulating the function, transport and disposal of calcium and phosphorus in the human body. We hypothesised that CPB may be pathogenic entities and even a cause of cardiovascular calcification. Here we revealed that CPB isolated from calcified atherosclerotic plaques and artificially synthesised CPB are morphologically and chemically indistinguishable entities. Their formation is accelerated along with the increase in calcium salts-phosphates/serum concentration ratio. Experiments in vitro and in vivo showed that pathogenic effects of CPB are defined by apoptosis-mediated endothelial toxicity but not by direct tissue calcification or functional changes in anti-calcification proteins. Since the factors underlying the formation of CPB and their pathogenic mechanism closely resemble those responsible for atherosclerosis development, further research in this direction may help us to uncover triggers of this disease.
Hypercytokinemia plays a key role in the pathogenesis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Monocytes are the main source of cytokines in the early inflammatory phase. Simultaneous stimulation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) and triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM-1) activating receptor on monocytes results in the amplification of the inflammatory signal and multiple increase in proinflammatory cytokine production. The dynamics of those receptors expression on monocyte surface of patients with uncomplicated SIRS course followed coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) was studied. The increase in TLR2 and TREM-1 expression on the first day after CABG induces proinflammatory and amplification potentials of monocytes in that period. The decrease in TLR2 surface expression on the seventh day compared to the preoperative values can be regarded as a mechanism limiting inflammatory response. The highest level of TLR2, TLR4, and TREM-1 surface expression was observed in CD14hiCD16+ monocyte subpopulation, confirming its proinflammatory profile.
Несмотря на появление современных препаратов, методов обследования и лечения, в реанимационной и анестезиологической практике вопрос о когнитивных нарушениях по-прежнему остается достаточно актуальным� В обзоре представлена статистика по частоте встречаемости когнитивной дисфункции, рассмотрены основные тесты, используемые для выявления когнитивной дисфункции, приведены их особенности, преимущества и недостатки� Даны общие рекомендации по проведению таких тестов и интерпретации их результатов, а также представление об инструментальных методах и биохимических маркерах в крови, ликворе и моче, которые могут использоваться с целью выявления отклонений в когнитивных функциях у пациентов и объективизировать картину обследования в реанимационной практике� Ключевые слова: когнитивная дисфункция, когнитивные тесты, нейропсихологические методы исследования, инструментальные методы диагностики, биохимические маркеры Для цитирования: Ивкин А� А�, Григорьев Е� В�, Шукевич Д� Л� Диагностика когнитивной дисфункции у пациентов в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии // Вестник анестезиологии и реаниматологии�-2018�-Т� 15, № 3�-С� 47-55�