Sutlzmary 9-Chloro-cis4-cyclononatetraene undergoes rapid solvolytic rearrangement to exo-l-chloro-cis-8,9-dihydroindene, via the cyclononatetraenyl cation.
THE cis4-cyclononatetraenyl cation(1) is an interesting 877 monocycle, since its dimensions are such as to allow planar as well as puckered geometries. Recently Schleyer, Boche, and their co-workers' presented evidence, based on rate data and deuterium labelling experiments, that thermolysis of anti-9-chlorobicyclo [6,1,0]nona-2,4,6-triene in aqueous acetone proceeds by what appears to be (1).We now report on the ready solvolytic generation of (1) from 9-chloro-cis4-cyclononatetraene (2a) .l 9-Chloro-cis4-cyclononatetraene (2a) rearranges cleanly and irreversibly to exo-l-chloro-cis-8,9-dihydroindene (3a) on mild heating in CDCl,, the conversion being characterized by t)(Oo) ca. 70min (AF: ca. 21 kcalmol-'). The same bond relocation (2a) -+ (3a)f also obtains in SO, although far more rapidly, e.g., t i ( -66') < 10 min, (AF* < 15 kcal mol-l).: The greatly enhanced rate of this conversion in the more ionizing medium (SO,) raised the question of whether rearrangement here might not be chiefly activated by initial ionization of (2). In order to test this possibility it was necessary to assess the thermal fate of appropriately labelled (2). We therefore prepared the monodeuterio-compound (2b) by exposing anti-9-chloro-7 Significantly, we find anti-9-chlorobicyclo[6,1,0]nona-2,4,6-triene to be inert in SO, a t -20".