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Simulation of elastoplastic compression of a symmetric fragment of a bundle of woven steel grids was carried out. The simulation was carried out under static and dynamic loading modes in ANSYS and ANSYS LS-DYNA computing systems. A porous mesh package is formed by overlaying the layers on top of each other while maintaining the directions of wires. Such a packet has a quasiperiodic structure; therefore, a certain symmetric fragment can be distinguished. The compression was carried out by a pair of absolutely rigid plates moving symmetrically towards each other. In the calculations, a multilinear plasticity model with isotropic hardening was used. The diagram of static deformation of the material was used which was obtained experimentally. The calculations were carried out according to the algorithm of a perfect symmetric contact of bodies without friction and with friction. The dynamic loading of a fragment of the mesh packet was carried out at a constant speed. The characteristics of the pulse and the loading rate correspond to those observed in previous experimental studies. The dynamic strain diagram was assumed to be similar to a static one with an increased yield strength. Calculations showed that in all loading modes there is a high level of internal stresses, and complex inhomogeneous stress-strain state. We investigated two factors that could cause differences in the behavior of the curves of deformation of a porous medium - the finite length of the acting pulse and the differences in the dynamic and static compression diagrams of the initial mesh material. The main influence on the dynamic behavior of a fragment of a porous packet of a steel mesh is exerted by the dynamic properties of the wire material. The strain curves of the porous fragment qualitatively change in accordance with the behavior observed in static and dynamic experiments. The final duration of the loading pulse and the friction between the wires for this type of mesh do not have a significant effect. The numerical dependences of the relative area of the normal and lateral through sections of the symmetric fragment of the grid packet on the compression deformation are obtained.
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