Abstract. Three brothers and two of their male first cousins were affected with a previously apparently undefined multiple congenital anomaly, mental retardation syndrome which was designated the FG syndrome and which consists of variable growth problems with a disproportionately large head, characteristic appearance and minor anomalies, imperforate anus, mild to severe mental retardation and congenital hypotonia; pylorie stenosis, hypoplastic left heart, generalized dilatation of the urinary tract, cutaneous syndaetyly of third and fourth fingers, and severe craniosynostosis were seen each in i patient. Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum seen in 1 patient is suspected in another on the basis of EEG abnormalities. 1 boy died neonatally with congenital heart disease, and 2 others of pneumonia at 20 and 23 months. The FG syndrome is an X-linked recessive condition; heterozygotes appear grossly normal.Key words: Multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation (MCA/MR) syndrome --Growth disturbances --Increased headsize --Hypotonia --Imperforate anus --Partial agenesis of corpus callosum --Pyloric stenosis --Generalized dilatation of urinary tract --Hypoplastie left heart defect --Syndactyly of toes and/or fingers --Craniosynostosis --X-linked inheritance. This paper reports on 5 related boys with an apparently previously undeseribed X-linked multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation (MCA/MR) syndrome of external anomalies, characteristic appearance, visceral anomalies, skeletal defects and CNS anomaly with MR, hypotonia and unusual pattern of head growth.
@ase ReportsCase l (J.J.F., propositus 1, V-5 in pedigree, Fig. 1, CWC 5-308, UW ~-Iosp. No. 370805) was born on 12 February 1959 when his parents were 27 years old. This was his mother's fifth pregnancy during which she gained 8.2 kg; she was healthy except for an upper respiratory infection and chronic cough during the 8th month. Labor began spontaneously at 37 89 weeks, and after an uneventful 3--4-hour labor, the patient, a male, was born spontaneously from a cephalic presentation with an imperforate anus, webbing of the third and fourth fingers bilaterally and a "protruberant xiphoid'. His birth weight was 2600 g, occipito-frontal head circumference (O•C) 34.3 cm, chest circumference 28 cm, and the anterior fontanel measured "3 fingers". He was otherwise thought to be normal. A primary pullthrough operation was performed on the day of birth; at surgery it was found that he had a relatively low rectal atresia with a small tract or fibrous band extending from the anterior-distal portion of the rectum to the region of the urethra. The external sphincter fibers were identified, there was adequate bowel length, and after opening the bowel much normal meconium could be evacuated before the rectal mueosa was sutured to the anus. The wound healed normally and at the iOth day dilatation of the anus was begun with some prolapse of mucosa.Postoperatively he fed rather poorly and examination showed that he had a ruddy-icteric color, a somewhat hoarse and squeaky...