Teacher's abilities to understand the benefits and use of media literacy play an important role in dealing with children as digital natives. Media literacy education can be an instrument through the use of blended-learning websites to address the challenges of education in the 21st century and learning solutions during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to figure the teacher's perspective in understanding media literacy as an instrument for implementing blended-learning in early-childhood classes. Using a qualitative approach, this study combines two types of data. Data collection involved kindergarten teachers, six people as informants who attended the interviews and twenty-six participants who filled out questionnaires. Typological data analysis was used for qualitative data as well as simple statistical analysis to calculate the percentage of teacher perspectives on questionnaires collected the pandemic. The findings show five categories from the teacher's perspective. First, about the ability to carry out website-based blended-learning and the use of technology in classrooms and distance learning is still low. It must be transformed into more creative and innovative one. Encouraging teacher awareness of the importance of media literacy education for teachers as a more effective integrated learning approach, especially in rural or remote areas, to be the second finding. Third, national action is needed to change from traditional to blended-learning culture. Fourth, the high need for strong environmental support, such as related-party policies and competency training is the most important finding in this study. Finally, the need for an increase in the ease of access to technology use from all related parties, because the biggest impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is on ECE, which is closely related to the perspective of teachers on technology. 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ABSTRAKThis study aims to develop electronic comic media as a medium to improve understanding of marine conservation in early childhood. The research method used is research and development with the ADDIE model. The data collection technique used is based on the result of expert validation and effectiveness test through quasi-experiment with data analysis of paired t-test statistic. The study involved children aged 7-8 years in urban areas as participants. The result of research and product development showed that (1) Electronic comic media significantly improved the understanding of marine conservation in children (2) the validity of electronic comics and electronic comics indicated by the test of marine conservation material expert 75% and media expert test 90,3% with very category feasible. (3) The effectiveness of comic media is shown by the result of pre-test and post-test of children obtained by t-value > t-table, and Sig (2-tailed) <0.05 (α).
Marine education is essential in helping children to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to preserve the environment, particularly for future coastal ecosystems. Effective marine education requires teachers to use proper strategies that will help children to value and care for the marine world. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of electronic comics to introduce marine conservation in elementary school. This study employed a quasi-experimental design model with paired t-test statistical analysis. The participants in this study involved three classes of elementary schools in Banten Province, Indonesia. There were 113 children and were divided into two experimental classes using electronic comics (laptops, computers, tablets, and mobile phones) and one control class using printed books. The results of this study showed a significant result in marine conservation knowledge of elementary school students in the experimental classes. In the control class, there was only a slight increase in the knowledge of marine conservation. The data analysis results revealed that children aged 6-8 years are more interested in learning using electronic comics compared to printed books. The findings also showed that elementary school students (aged 6-8 years) could recognize and comprehend marine conservation in science learning through electronic comics. The introduction to marine conservation could then be done using the latest technology that attracts children's learning interest.
STEAM-based learning is a global issue in early-childhood education practice. STEAM content becomes an integrative thematic approach as the main pillar of learning in kindergarten. This study aims to develop a conceptual and practical approach in the implementation of children's education by applying a modification from STEAM Learning to R-SLAMET. The research used a qualitative case study method with data collection through focus group discussions (FGD), involving early-childhood educator's research participants (n = 35), interviews, observation, document analysis such as videos, photos and portfolios. The study found several ideal categories through the use of narrative data analysis techniques. The findings show that educators gain an understanding of the change in learning orientation from competency indicators to play-based learning. Developing thematic play activities into continuum playing scenarios. 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The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of dance creativity on executive functions of early childhood. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with paired data t-test analysis. This study was conducted on 50 respondents aged 5-6 years. The results showed that t hit > t table, sig <0.01 there was a significant difference between before and after the dance creativity activities implemented. Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that dance creativity can significantly influence the executive function of early childhood. Further research can be carried out by involving other variables that affect executive functions along with other dance creativity activities.
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