ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi total bakteri, Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus), koliform, dan Escherichia coli (E. ), odds ratio (OR), dan relative risk (RR) digunakan untuk menentukan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi total bakteri, S. aureus, koliform, dan E. coli pada susu kambing. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi total bakteri, S. aureus, koliform, dan E. coli dalam susu kambing adalah kebersihan kandang, tempat penampung susu, pengetahuan personal hygiene pemerah susu, mencuci ambing sebelum diperah, waktu dan banyaknya pemerahan.Kata kunci: Bakteri; susu kambing; faktor risiko
ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to determine the risk factors that affect the total bacteria, S. aureus, coliform, and E. coli in goat milk against SNI No 01-6366-2000 requirements. A total of 16 samples of goat milk from Sleman district were analyzed for total bacteria, S. aureus, coliform using dilution plate count, whereas E. coli count was based on biochemical reaction. Management of each dairy goat farm was recorded using questionnaires. The risk factors of total bacteria, S. aureus, coliform, and E. coli in goat milk were determined based on chi square ( χ 2 ) bivariate analysis, odds ratio (OR), and relative risk (RR). The risk factors that affected total bacteria, S. aureus, coliform, and E. coli in goat milk are cleanliness of stall, milk containers, personal knowledge of dairy hygiene, washing of the udder before milking, the time and the amount of milking.