At the moment, everyone is living in the period of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. College students face enormous challenges in this era. The 4.0 Industrial Revolution is an age in which employees are being replaced by machines or robots. In this era, all activities in various areas of life can already be carried out using machines, be it in the fields of health, education, marketing and in other fields. This is a very big challenge for a student. In this era, students will face various challenges or problems that arise from western cultures. Seeing the rapid development of information and machines, the unwitting entry of western culture is also getting faster and easier. Those cultures that can later influence its development, both its cognitive, socio-emotional development and no less important is that it influences its character or moral development. Character education has now become the main issue for education, where character education is expected to be able to make the foundation for the success of Indonesia. In the world of education today, many things have been found various problems, as for the problems, including the character of students such as violence, bullying, lack of manners, lack of discipline towards existing regulations and many others. This indicates that the character of the younger generation is damaged and there is no complete handling of this problem. Character education is a deliberate attempt given by a teacher to teach children the values of character education. The existence of universities in the education system in Indonesia is needed as the basic foundation of every level of education. Character is closely related to a person's personality, so it can be called a person of character if his behavior is in accordance with ethics or moral rules (formation of life skills).Basically encouraging the birth of good children is the goal of character education. The formation and cultivation of excellent character will help youngsters develop in their capacity and determination to do their best, do everything correctly, and have a purpose in life. Parents and the surroundings also have a part in molding children's characteristics. Character is formed via phases of knowledge, execution, and habit formation.. Character is not limited to knowledge alone. A person who has kindness is not necessarily able to act according to his knowledge, if it is not trained (becomes a habit) to do good. It is hoped that through the media of the KARAKTERKU application, students can find the correct character patterns, especially now that the government emphasizes character education, for this reason, researchers are trying to design character education programs through IT which are used as a process of development or character building to become a foothold in the implementation of character education in universities.