I developed a curriculum reflecting the perspectives of students, science teachers, and professionals in order to carry out standardized, fundamental nuclear power and radiation education in schools. Among elementary, middle, and high schools, 78.4%, 78.6%, and 93.1% respectively exhibited (with high frequency) a need for nuclear power and radiation education. The proposed elementary and middle/high school course titles are "Radiation and Life" and "Nuclear Power and Radiation" respectively. The courses are offered at every grade level and span one semester each year. The duration of each weekly class varies; at the elementary, middle, and high school levels classes meet for 40, 45, and 50 minutes respectively. Thin textbooks containing an abundance of cartoons and photos were requested. The starting points for education were fixed at the sixth grade, second year of middle school, and the first year of high school. It was stipulated that the education be separate from the regular curriculum, and encompass a creative and experimental field study based on the principal and science teachers' needs. Similar trends were observable according to grade levels regarding class hours, textbook format, form of education, and educational necessity. A simulation of the devised curriculum revealed an overall goodness of fit totaling 3.88±0.60, 3.89±0.60, and 3.66±0.63 out of five for elementary, middle school, and high school students respectively, which are scores equivalent to 70 and above (out of 100). The significance of this study is that it is the first to propose a curriculum designed to cultivate value judgment based on understanding nuclear power and radiation. However, the realization of nuclear power and radiation education requires that follow-up measures be taken regarding textbook development, amendments to related laws, and the providing of teaching plans.