The three diastereomeric (isodiCp)zTiClz complexes have been prepared in stereocontrolled fashion. The exo,exo isomer, on reaction with boron tribromide or with ethereal methyllithium, gives rise to the dibromo and dimethyl analogues which show reasonable stability.In contrast, the endo,endo and endo,exo dichlorides do not lead to stable products under analogous conditions. All three (isodiCp)zTiClz isomers do react well with pentafluorophenyllithium, leading to the air stable, crystalline (isodiCp)~Ti(CsF5)Cl triad, whose members are readily distinguished by their NMR spectra. An analysis of the notable trends reflected in these spectra is reported. X-ray crystallographic analysis of the three diastereomers reveals the three pentafluorophenyl complexes to have in common a solid-state spatial arrangement which differs notably from that adopted by the exo,exo dichloride and dimethyl derivatives.In recent years, considerable attention has been accorded to the complexation of cyclopentadienyl ligands endowed with diastereotopic faces to group 4 transition metals. h early example is the bis(~5-tricyclo[,5-dienyl) or isodicyclopentadienyl anion ( 1h2 A wide variety of optically active anions of this generic class has subsequently been d e~e l o p e d .~-~ As a direct consequence of the inherent structural features of 1 and its congeners, the faces of these ligands feature distinctively different chemical environments. Their involvement in metalation reactions can lead to mixtures of metallocenes but often does not if proper controls are + Universite de Bourgogne. Gautheron, B.; Gugelchuk, M.; Meunier, P.; Paquette, L. A. Organometallics 1987, 6, 15. (3) (a) McLaughlin, M. L.; McKinney, J. A.; Paquette, L. A. Tetrahedron Lett. 1986, 27, 5595. (b) Paquette, L. A.; McKinney, J. A.; McLaughlin, M. L.; Rheingold, A. L. (5) (a) Burger, P.; Hund, H.-U.; Evertz, K.; Brintzinger, H.-H. J. Organomet. Chem. 1989,378,153. (b) Bhaduri, D.; Nelson, J. H.; Wang, T.; Jacobson, R. A. , J. A.; Green, M. L. H.; Gardner, I. M.; Prout, K. J. Chem. SOC., Dalton Trans. 1991, 2207.
Q276-7333l95I2314-4576$09.QQlQexercised. The engagement of a single face is presently recognized to be subject to reasonable modulation by several factors, including nonbonded steric interactions: monomer-dimer preequilibrium complexation to lithium counter ion^,^ reaction temperature: and con~entration.~ Since each ligand can in principle serve as precursor to three diastereomeric metallocenes, we have been led to investigate those features that distinguish such a subset of closely related complexes. To our knowledge, no investigation of this type has previously been undertaken. The one potential limitation of this study, ready access to the stereoisomerically pure diastereomers without the need to accomplish difficult separations, was lifted by our earlier discovery that structurally defined trimethylsilyl-substituted ligands undergo complexation exclusively via net inversion of configuration.1°
Results and DiscussionSynthesis and Spectroscopic ...