Carbanionically Induced [1,3]-Migrations of n-and Coordinatively Unsaturated GroupsAccording to a general reaction scheme, o-lithioaryl esters 4a, b, amides 13a, b, 17b, and amidines 39b of non-enolizable carboxylic acids as well as a corresponding diphenylphosphinic amide 51 b react under mild conditions to give the intensely coloured lithium derivatives of o-acylphenoles 6a, b and o-acylarenamines 15a, b, 18a, 41a, 52a, which are finally hydrolyzed to the neutral products 7a, b, 14a, b, 18b, 41b, 52b, respectively. The lithiated precursors of the rearrangement are mostly prepared by halogenlmetal exchange reactions. In the case of N,N-di-p-tolylpivalamide 33 such a [1,3]-rearrangement also could be induced by direct metalation of the educt. With N-methyl-N-phenylpivalamide (29), however, exclusive metalation of the N-methyl group occurs, followed by [1,2]-migration of the pivaloyl group. Silyl groups, too, can undergo analogous [1,3]-shifts, as was demonstrated by the rearrangement of the o-lithiated N-(trimethylsily1)aniline 63b to the o-(trimethylsily1)anilines 65a, b. When a benzoyl and a sulfonyl group can compete for the [1,3]-shift, as in the N-tosylated benzamide 47b, only the benzoyl group migrates. However, the migration tendency of the trimethylsilyl group equals that of the benzoyl group as was shown with the N-silylated benzamide 66b.
KonzeptTertiare N-Arylarensulfonamide lassen sich mit lithiumorganischen Verbindungen glatt zu o-Aminodiarylsulfonen umwandeln, wobei der entscheidende Reaktionsschritt