Ответственность за содержание статей несут авторы. Редакция не имеет возможности возвращать присылаемые материалы. За сведения в рекламных материалах редакция ответственности не несет. Перепечатка допускается только с разрешения редакции и с обязательной ссылкой на журнал «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий». Журнал зарегистрирован в Федеральной службе по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охраны культурного наследия.
The article deals with the state of aerogasdynamic processes in coal mines. With centralized automatic control and management of mine ventilation using a control system, in the circuit of which application software is used, the choice of a rational period for collecting information received from controlled objects is of great importance.The object of automatic control in a coal mine are the parameters characterizing the state of the mine atmosphere - methane concentration, air flow, temperature and parameters of the ventilation network (depression and aerodynamic resistance). All controlled parameters characterize the state of the atmosphere. Research goal. The purpose of the research is to develop a method for analyzing and evaluating the optimal state of aerogasdynamic processes in coal mines. Research objectives. Conduct an analysis of the optimal state of aero- gasdynamic processes and adapt the method at coal industry enterprises. Research results. Studies have been carried out on the duration of the observation interval for the modes of movement of air and gas through the goaf and bottom-hole space of the production area, to ensure the specified accuracy in determining the values for the implementation of non-stationary gas-dynamic processes. It is determined that the resulting systems of equations describing the unsteady modes of air and gas movement through the mined-out and bottom-hole space of the mining area from the standpoint of hydrodynamics with subsequent simplification of these equations based on the assumptions made. Using the results of the experiments, for the process of methane concentration, a realization length of 1 day was chosen, since during this time at least one complete production cycle has time to complete in the longwall. The duration of this cycle significantly exceeds the value of the maximum measurement interval ∆tβ = 30 min., for which it is still advisable in practice to determine the modes of movement of air and gas through the mined-out and bottom-hole space of the production area. The research results are recommended for use in the design of efficient air supply schemes in the mining areas of coal mines and the correct placement of regulators to take into account the concentration of methane in the flow of consumed air.