<p><strong>Objective: </strong>This survey was conducted to estimate the number of cancer patients in the region of Guntur-based on sex, age and cancer groups. The data were obtained from the hospital-based registries from Bommidala Cancer Institute, NRI Hospital<strong>, </strong>Balaji Cancer Care Center<strong>, </strong>and Govt. General Hospital, which was scrutinized and analysed.</p><p><strong>Methods: </strong>The hospital registry entry was considered suitable for assessing the cancer cases in the region of Guntur. In addition, data of NCRP were utilised for comparing the obtained results.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>The data comprehensively constitutes of 309 patients. Out of which men were 74 (23.95%), and women were 235 (76.05%) who had obtained treatment for various cancer conditions between March-May, 2016. In these hospitals, cancers pertaining to the cervix-83 (31.32%), breast-52 (19.62%), ovary–17 (6.41%), lymphoid-11 (4.15%), pharynx-10 (3.77%), endometrium-10 (3.77%), astrocytoma-08 (3.02%), colon-07 (2.64%), larynx-06 (2.26%), rectum–06 (2.26%), oesophagus–05 (1.88%), post cricoids-04 (1.50%), stomach–04 (1.50%), liver–03 (1.13%) were the leading sites in order. While among these cases, radiation therapy patients were 194 (62.78%), chemotherapy patients were 78 (25.24%), and surgery patients were 37 (11.97 %).</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Survey reports the highest incidence of cancer cases to be cervix cancer among the women while it was pharyngeal cancer which precedes lung cancer among the men. This hospital-based registry survey is a report that provided internal consistency, reliability and validity.</p>