pyrene ll-bromo-9,10,12-triol, minor isomer, 70981-82-7; 10,11-epoxy-9,12-dihydroxy-9,10,11,12-tetrahydrobenzo[e]pyrene, 70940-93-1; 10,11-epoxy-9,12-dihydroxy-9,10,11,12-tetrahydrobenzo[e]pyrene diacetate, 70982-62-6; trans-1 triphenylene tetra01 tetraacetate, 70940-94-2; trans-% triphenylene tetraol tetraacetnte, 70981-83-8; cis-2 triphenylene tetraol tetraacetate, 70981-84-9; trar s-l benio [e]pyrene tetraol tetraacetate, 70940-95-3; cis-1 benzo[e]p~rene tetraol tetraacetate, 70981-85-0; trans-2 benzo[e]pyrene tetraol tetraacetate, 70981-86-1; cis-2 benzo[e]pyrene tetraol tetraacetate, 70981-87-2 Supplementary Material Available: Details on the hydrolysis of the Senzo[ejpyrene and triphenylene diol epoxides to tetraols and their 'H NMR spectra as tetraacetates, and the reaction of b~nzo[e]pyrene 9,lO-dihydrodiol with N-bromoacetamide as well as the cyclization of the resultant bromo triols (4 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page. ~~ (16) A.Summary: a$-Acetylenic sulfones react with organolithium and Grignard reagents to give a higher acetylene and a sulfinate salt. The process corresponds to nucleophilic substitution by the organometallic for the arylsulfonyl group.