Syu. Rept. p. 53 (part.), 1768. 17 to 19 upper and 15 lower teeth on each side ; fifth maxillary tooth largest ; the fourth mandibular usually fitting into a notch in the upper jaw. Snout more or less elongate ; nasal bones extending to the nasal aperture, which is undivided and larger than the supratemporal fossae. Splenial bones not entering the mandibular symphysis, which does not extend beyond the eighth tooth.A dorsal shield formed of four or more longitudinal series of juxtaposed, keeled, bony scutes.Distribution. Africa, Southern Asia, North Australia, Tropical America.11 or 12 species appear to be well established.Synopsis of Indian Species.Snout* If to 2 J times as long as broad C. porosus, p. 4.Snout 1^to 1^times as long as broad C. palustris, p. 5.2. Crocodilus porosus.Crocodilus porosus, Schneid. Hist. AmiiJi. ii, p. 159 ; Giinth. Rept. B. I. p. 62 ; Theoh. Cat. p. 36 ; Boulenrj. Cat. CM. dfc. p. 284. Oopholis pondicherianus, Gray, A.M.N. H. (3) x, 1862, p. 268. Crocodilus pondicerianus, Giinth. Rept. B. I. p. 62, pi. vii ; Theoh. Cat. p. 36.17 to 19 upper teeth on each side. Snout 1 § to 2| times as long as broad at the base ; head rough, snout with a more or less strong ridge on each side in front of the eye, slightly converging towards its fellow; mandibular symphysis extending to the fifth tooth; preemaxillo-maxillary suture, on the palate, directed backwards or W-shaped ; nasal bones separating the preemaxillaries above. Four large nuchal scutes forming a square, with one or two smaller ones on each side ; postoccipital scutes usually absent, sometimes small and irregular. Dorsal shield well separated from the nuchal, the scutes forming 16 or 17 transverse and 4 to 8 longitudinal series scales on sides and limbs smooth or feebly keeled. Eingers webbed at the base ; outer toes extensively webbed. A serrated fringe on the outer edge of the leg. Adult dark oHve above ; young pale olive, with large black spots on the body and tail and dots on the head.Hah. Bengal, East coast of India, Ceylon, Burma, and Southern China to North Australia and the Solomon and Eiji Islands.Entering salt water and frequently occurring out at sea. Not recorded from West coast of India. It is not certain that this species is found far above the tideway in rivers.A specimen 33 feet long is on record. * The snout is tlie portion of the head in front of the iirbits. OROCOUILTJS. 5 3. Crocodilus palustris.