Eperuic acid, a new bicyclic diterpene carboxylic acid, CmH,,O,, is the chief constituent (ca. 85%) of an oleo-resin derived from the wallaba tree (Eperuafalcata and other Eperua spp.) of British Guiana. The acid and its principal compounds are liquid.Selenium dehydrogenation of the methyl ester, which can readily be prepared by the Fischer-Speier method, yields naphthalene derivatives, including 1 : 2 : 5-trimethylnaphthalene. The ozonolysis products of methyl eperuate are formaldehyde, formic acid, and a keto-ester CmH8,0,, and, when the latter is dehydrogenated, pimanthrene ( 1 : 7-dimethylphenanthrene) is obtained. These indications of a relation to the manoijl-agathic acid group of diterpenes were substantiated by stepwise oxidation of dihydroeperuic acid, through an acid CIOHS,OO and methyl ketone C18HIP0, to a C,, acid which yielded 1-ethyl-2 : 5-dimethylnaphthalene when aromatised and decarboxylated with selenium. Eperuic acid is therefore 5-(4-carboxy-3-methylbuty1)decahydro-1 : 1 : 10-trimethyl-6-methylenenaphthalene.isolated after the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid gave the hydroxy-estev (VIII ; R = Me, R' = OH) as a colourless oil (2.5 g., 70%), b. p. 160-162"/0~1 mm., nb8 1-500 (Found : C, 74.2; H, 11-2. C2&3,03 requires C, 74-0 ; H, 11.2%).Cyclisation of the Keto-ester (VII ; R = Me).-A solution of the keto-ester (10 g.) in toluene (100 c.c.) was gradually mixed with alcohol-free sodium methoxide (1-7 g.), and after 2 hr. a t room temperature, was heated under reflux for 2 hr. After cooling, the product was treated Oxidation of MetJzyl E$evuate.-(i) W i t h ozone. 10.3 ; N, 4.3%).