Two-year-old Polish White Improved (30) and Polish Fawn Improved goats (25) were investigated. The animals were kept indoors throughout the year and fed ad libitum. Lactation in goats was 8 months long, from March to October. To determine the effects of breed and feeding season on the nutritive quality of milk, milk was collected once a month and analysed using the A 4 method for the basic chemical composition, cholesterol level and the composition and profile of fatty acids. Average daily yield of milk was 2.20 kg in White Improved and 2.40 kg in Fawn Improved goats, with fat content of 3.28% and 3.52%, respectively. The milk of goats receiving winter feeds was characterized by a slightly higher concentration of cholesterol (9.60 and 11.20 mg/100 ml). Regardless of the breed, milk from the winter period had a significantly lower proportion of saturated acids (64.12% in White Improved, 73.62% in Fawn Improved) and a higher proportion of saturated acids (74.62% and 78.36%, respectively).
The aim of this research was to determine the incidence of otitis externa in dogs from two veterinary clinics in Poland caused by fungi, bacteria and parasites, taking into consideration predisposing factors as breed or season of the year. The research material was based on the data collected from dogs with otitis externa symptoms. A total of 1,185 dogs were registered, 121 of them were diagnosed with otitis externa. It was observed that the most frequent cause of ear inflammation in dogs were Malassezia pachydermatis fungi in the auditory meatus. Another equally important factor causing the disease was Otodectes cynotis. Only few dogs with otitis externa were diagnosed for the presence of bacteria. It was found that some dog breeds, such as Labrador retriever, Golden retriever, German shepherd, Cocker spaniel or Yorkshire terrier, due to their anatomy are more susceptible to otitis externa episodes. The majority of the cases of dogs suffering from otitis externa appeared in the summer. The lowest percentage was recorded in the spring and autumn.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of breed, feed type and sex, on the final body weight in New Zealand white and Blanc de Termonde rabbits. The experiment was conducted on a farm in the Małopolska Province in the south of Poland. Rabbits of both breeds were kept in identical conditions up to the age of 90 days. However, they were fed using two different methodswith commercial balanced (granulated) feed (9.75 MJ, 155 g protein) and farm-made feed (9.54 MJ, 157 g protein). Among New Zealand White rabbits, commercial balanced feed was given to 38 males and 42 females, whereas farm-made feed to 37 males and 38 females. Among Blanc de Termonde rabbits, commercial balanced feed was given to 65 males and 68 females, and farm-made feed to 54 males and 60 females. Daily gains were determined for both examined breeds divided into sexes. Then, we calculated interactions between breed and feed type, between breed and sex, as well as between feed type and sex. The mean body weights on the 90 th day of fattening differed for both sexes and feed types. For both rabbit breeds, the higher mean final body weight was observed in case of feeding with the commercial balanced feed, whereas the highest body weight (2515.13 g) was registered for the females of Blanc de Termonde rabbits.
The objective of this study was to prove how the number of kits born and reared is affected by female's age and the subsequent number of whelping during a given year. Our research was carried out on a farm in Poland, with the use of 532 chinchilla females of the standard variety. Significant influence of the year and the females' age on the number of kits born and reared, as well as the subsequent number of litter in a given year on the number of chinchillas born was established. It was found that the largest litters occur with two-year old females; while there is a gradual decrease of prolificacy in older females. It was also observed that in females of any age the number of chinchilla kits born and reared was the highest in the first litter of a given year. The least numerous litters were found in mothers giving birth the third time in a given year. Keywords:Chinchilla lanigera, number of animals born, number of animals reared, subsequent number of litter Streszczenie Celem pracy było wykazanie wpływu wieku matek oraz kolejnego wykotu w danym roku na liczbę urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt. Badania przeprowadzono na jednej z ferm w Polsce. Badaniami objęto 532 samice szynszyli odmiany standard. Wykazano istotny wpływ roku badań oraz wieku samic na wyniki dotyczące liczby urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt szynszyli oraz kolejności miotu w danym roku na liczbę urodzonych szynszyli. Stwierdzono, iż największe mioty dają samice w wieku dwóch lat. U starszych samic plenność stopniowo spadała. Zaobserwowano również, iż niezależnie od wieku samic najwyższą liczbę urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt szynszyli odnotowano przy pierwszym miocie w danym roku. Najmniej liczne mioty natomiast wykazano u matek kocących się trzeci raz w danym roku.Słowa kluczowe: Chinchilla lanigera, kolejność miotu, liczba odchowanych, liczba urodzonych Szczegółowe streszczenie W przedstawionej pracy podjęto badania mające na celu wykazanie wpływu wieku matek oraz kolejnego miotu w danym roku na liczbę urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt. Badaniami objęto 532 samice szynszyli odmiany standard. Wyniki dotyczące rozrodu (liczby urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt) analizowano u samic podzielonych w zależności od wieku na pięć grup: dwuletnie, trzyletnie, czteroletnie, pięcioletnie oraz sześcioletnie i starsze (7-mio, 8-letnie). W każdej grupie wiekowej brano pod uwagę kolejność miotu w danym roku (I, II, III). W obrębie grup dokonano charakterystyki statystycznej (obliczając średnią arytmetyczną oraz odchylenie standardowe) liczby urodzonych i odchowanych szczeniąt z trzech kolejno występujących miotów w ciągu badanych lat. Uwzględniając liczbę urodzonych szczeniąt w kolejnych miotach w danym roku oraz liczebności odsadzonych po około 49 dniach określono procent odchowu szynszyli. Dla liczebności urodzonych i odsadzonych szczeniąt w poszczególnych grupach, wykonano wieloczynnikową analizę wariancji wykorzystując model stały. Model uwzględniał efekty: rok badań, kolejność miotu w danym roku, wiek samic. W badaniach własnych największą ś...
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