Background: Breast tumours represent about 50 to 70% of all neoplasms in female dogs and their occurrence is directly related to the reproductive status and patient´s age. The purpose of this research was to apply the Brazilian consensus on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary tumours and to and define the regional epidemiological aspects of canine mammary gland tumours in Vitoria metropolitan region (ES, Brazil) between 2012 and 2016 and to correlate the macroscopic characteristics such as lesion size and location of the neoplasm with histopathological diagnosis, tumours grade and lymph node metastasis.Materials, Methods & Results: Data were collected from the archives of the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of UVV and the clinical files of the patients seen in the Veterinary Hospital Prof. Ricardo Alexandre Hippler in 5 years (2012 to 2016). The animals were separated into groups by age to facilitate classification in the group with the highest occurrence of neoplasms. The evaluation of the macroscopic characteristics was performed through the histopathological record described in the pathology laboratory, for each patient, at the time of the initial evaluation. After descriptive analysis, data was correlated using Spearmann test, and frequency dispersion was evaluated using chi-square test, both in the software Graph Pad Prism v. 6.01. This study included 255 bitches and diagnosis of 486 lesions, once 48.6% of the dogs had more than one lesion. 86.8% of lesions were consistent with actual mammary neoplasms, of which 67% were malignant and 20% were benign. Non-neoplastic lesions corresponded to 7.2% of cases and 5.8% were extra-mammary neoplasms, with an increased incidence of lipomas (39.3%) and mast cell tumours (32.1%). Cross-breed dogs represented 26.7% of cases. Poodles (25.5%), Pinschers (9.8%) and Dachshund (4.7%) were overrepresented. Among mammary glands, the most affected with 30.8% and 25.4% were for inguinal and caudal abdominal mammary gland, respectively.Regarding the histopathological grade, 43.7% of the malignant mammary gland tumours were grade I, 40% grade II and 16.2% grade III. The neoplasms smaller than 3 cm in diameter, corresponded to 43.7% malignant neoplasms, of which 75 corresponded to grade I. Those larger or equal to 3-5 cm in diameter corresponded to 22.1% malignant neoplasm, of which 31 corresponded to grade II, and those larger than 5 cm in diameter corresponded to 25.8% malignant neoplasms, of which 34 corresponded to grade II. Macroscopic ulceration was reported in 35/486 neoplasms; of these, 85.7% were malignant. Necrosis was evidenced, microscopically in 11.7% of malignant neoplasms and there was a weak, positive correlation between the occurrence of necrosis and ulceration (P < 0.0001; rs = 0.223), which also correlated with tumour size and histological grade. Of these patients, 24.4% had metastases, and of these, 8.8% presented macroscopic abnormalities in the lymph node. Discussion:Older dogs are at higher risk of developing malignant mammary gland tumour when compared to young bitches, most neoplasms with a histopathological grade III occurred in animals older than 10 years, in agreement with the literature. Age increasing might be related to more biologically aggressive mammary gland tumours. Early neutering is commonly recommended to prevent proliferative abnormalities in the mammary glands, but it has been related to several disorders, and neoplasms, in some breeds. Multiple tumours in more than one mammary gland with different histopathological diagnoses among them, isn’t related to multicentric disease or worse prognosis, as also seen in this survey.Among mammary glands, the inguinal and caudal abdominal are often the most affected,as it was observed in this study; however, no differences were observed in the occurrence of malignant neoplasms, benign or non-neoplastic. Background: Breast tumours represent about 50 to 70% of all neoplasms in female dogs and their occurrence is directly related to the reproductive status and patient´s age. The purpose of this research was to apply the Brazilian consensus on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary tumours and to and define the regional epidemiological aspects of canine mammary gland tumours in Vitoria metropolitan region (ES, Brazil) between 2012 and 2016 and to correlate the macroscopic characteristics such as lesion size and location of the neoplasm with histopathological diagnosis, tumours grade and lymph node metastasis.Materials, Methods & Results: Data were collected from the archives of the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of UVV and the clinical files of the patients seen in the Veterinary Hospital Prof. Ricardo Alexandre Hippler in 5 years (2012 to 2016). The animals were separated into groups by age to facilitate classification in the group with the highest occurrence of neoplasms. The evaluation of the macroscopic characteristics was performed through the histopathological record described in the pathology laboratory, for each patient, at the time of the initial evaluation. After descriptive analysis, data was correlated using Spearmann test, and frequency dispersion was evaluated using chi-square test, both in the software Graph Pad Prism v. 6.01. This study included 255 bitches and diagnosis of 486 lesions, once 48.6% of the dogs had more than one lesion. 86.8% of lesions were consistent with actual mammary neoplasms, of which 67% were malignant and 20% were benign. Non-neoplastic lesions corresponded to 7.2% of cases and 5.8% were extra-mammary neoplasms, with an increased incidence of lipomas (39.3%) and mast cell tumours (32.1%). Cross-breed dogs represented 26.7% of cases. Poodles (25.5%), Pinschers (9.8%) and Dachshund (4.7%) were overrepresented. Among mammary glands, the most affected with 30.8% and 25.4% were for inguinal and caudal abdominal mammary gland, respectively.Regarding the histopathological grade, 43.7% of the malignant mammary gland tumours were grade I, 40% grade II and 16.2% grade III. The neoplasms smaller than 3 cm in diameter, corresponded to 43.7% malignant neoplasms, of which 75 corresponded to grade I. Those larger or equal to 3-5 cm in diameter corresponded to 22.1% malignant neoplasm, of which 31 corresponded to grade II, and those larger than 5 cm in diameter corresponded to 25.8% malignant neoplasms, of which 34 corresponded to grade II. Macroscopic ulceration was reported in 35/486 neoplasms; of these, 85.7% were malignant. Necrosis was evidenced, microscopically in 11.7% of malignant neoplasms and there was a weak, positive correlation between the occurrence of necrosis and ulceration (P < 0.0001; rs = 0.223), which also correlated with tumour size and histological grade. Of these patients, 24.4% had metastases, and of these, 8.8% presented macroscopic abnormalities in the lymph node. Discussion:Older dogs are at higher risk of developing malignant mammary gland tumour when compared to young bitches, most neoplasms with a histopathological grade III occurred in animals older than 10 years, in agreement with the literature. Age increasing might be related to more biologically aggressive mammary gland tumours. Early neutering is commonly recommended to prevent proliferative abnormalities in the mammary glands, but it has been related to several disorders, and neoplasms, in some breeds. Multiple tumours in more than one mammary gland with different histopathological diagnoses among them, isn’t related to multicentric disease or worse prognosis, as also seen in this survey.Among mammary glands, the inguinal and caudal abdominal are often the most affected,as it was observed in this study; however, no differences were observed in the occurrence of malignant neoplasms, benign or non-neoplastic.
Background: Malignant myoepithelioma is a rare neoplasm in humans and rats, poorly reported in dogs and not previously described in rabbits. This study aims to report a case of malignant mammary myoepithelioma in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Case: A domestic, hybrid, female, entire, nulliparous, 7-year-old rabbit was attended in the Veterinary Hospital Prof. Ricardo Alexandre Hippler at Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) with a history of apathy, lethargy and anorexia. In the clinical examination a 5 cm tumour was observed in the right abdominal mammary gland (M2), along with floating smaller lesions in M1 and M3. There were no palpable abnormalities in the axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. Complete blood count and serum biochemistry were within the normal range. Fine needle aspiration was performed for cytological evaluation of the tumour in M2 and it was suggestive of a malignant glandular neoplasm, with probable epithelial origin. Complete staging included chest and abdominal radiographs, but they were unremarkable. The patient was submitted to a right unilateral mastectomy, involving resection of the inguinal lymph node. The sample was sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of UVV for routine histological evaluation. M2 lesion was compatible with malignant myoepithelioma based on the literature, while nodules in M1 and M3 were classified as mammary cysts. The inguinal lymph node showed no significant abnormalities. An immunohistochemical panel was performed in the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology of the Institute of Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), using immunomarkers (pan-cytokeratin, p63 and vimentin) to characterize the tumour and confirm its diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry revealed expression of p63, and was negative for pan-cytokeratin and vimentin, which confirmed the myoepithelial origin, without involvement of the epithelial compartment. Clinical follow-up was recommended every 2-3 months, including abdominal ultrasonography, chest radiographs, complete blood count and serum biochemistry. Ultrasonography showed thinning of the uterine wall, dilation of 3.7 cm in diameter and presence of endometrial cysts of varied sizes, around 0.7 cm. Neutering was recommended but it was not elected by the pet's responsible. These findings remained stable throughout the follow-up, which was greater than 405 days. Discussion: This is the first report of a malignant myoepithelioma in rabbit, with a detailed description of the clinical, surgical, pathological and immunophenotypic aspects of this neoplasm in this species. This is a tumour characterized by proliferation of epithelioid to spindle-like myoepithelial cells, as observed in this case, forming an extensive and well delimited solid area with marked central necrosis, compatible with what has already been described in the literature in bitches and women. As observed in this case, the neoplastic cells usually exhibit moderate cellular and nuclear pleomorphism, moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, and sever...
Heterotopic polyodontia have been described in most domestic species and human. Known as a dentigerous cyst but appropriately called heterotopic polyiodontics, it rarely occurs in horses, however it is easily recognized as a congenital defect. The cysts usually associated with this condition contain part or all of dental structures. The heterotopic tooth or dental structure is usually adhered to the temporal bone and surrounded by a secretory membrane, with a accumulation of exudate and draining tract along the proximal pinna or directly over the cyst. This case report describes in a 2.5-year-old female quarter horse, weighing 430 kg, with a heterotopic polyodontia that contained two easily small’s identifiable dental structures, presented for evaluation of a chronic intermittent mucopurulent exudate discharge from the right sub-auricular region in the mastoid process of the temporal bone and a drainage tract near the right pinna. The diagnosis is established with clinical, radiographic, ultrasound and confirmed by histopathological examination of the structures removed. The cystic capsule was surgically removed, measuring approximately 3.0 x 2.3 cm in diameter, filled with mucopurulent exudate and containing two dental structures within 0.5 cm in diameter and 0.2 cm in diameter. Microscopic examination revealed a cystic area covered by stratified squamous epithelium with a lympho-histio-plasmatic cell infiltrate in the dermis, which was compatible with heterotopic polyodontia. Postoperatively, there were no neuromotor sequelae and wound healing evolved positively.
Background: Primary bone tumours are uncommon and poorly reported in cats but osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most frequent, mostly in elderly animals. Giant cell-rich OSA is considered rare in the literature representing 3% of all OSA in humans. The mitotic index seems to have a significant effect on the survival time of cats affected by this neoplasm as well as the tumour histopathological grade. The objective of this study was to report the cytological and histopathological findings of a giant cell rich OSA in a 4-year old cat with persistent feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigenaemia.Case: A 4-year-old male neutered cat was referred with a history of persistent FeLV viraemia and pelvic limb lameness with a firm swelling. Previous radiographs of the affected limb revealed bone lysis in the third and fourth metatarsals and increased soft tissue radiopacity in the tarsal region. The referral veterinary assumed it to be osteomyelitis and initiated clinical treatment with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. The cat was referred after there was no response to medical treatment. The cat was presented with a 5cm diameter ulcerated mass, with putrid odor in the pelvic limb. Complementary exams were performed, and abnormalities were found, including increased urea, creatinine, calcium and potassium, and decreased sodium and phosphorus. A new radiograph showed exuberant bone proliferation, with increased radiopacity involving tarsal, metatarsal, distal third of tarsal I and II, and distal diaphysis of metatarsal V, without compromising the metaphyseal region of distal diaphysis of metatarsal IV. Chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound were unremarkable. Fine-needle aspiration was performed for cytological analysis, which reavealed a moderate amount of pleomorphic mesenchymal cells with moderate adhesion, cytoplasm with a format ranging from fusiform to stellate, pronounced anisocytosis and cellular pleomorphism, and elevated nucleus:cytoplasm ratio. Nucleus was oval and presented loose chromatin, single to double large and evident nucleolus, frequent karyomegaly, along with marked anisocariosis and nuclear pleomorphism. Multinucleated giant cells were and there was a single mitotic figure in 12 high power fields (0.196 mm2 FN20/400x). Therefore, it was suggestive of malignant mesenchymal neoplasia with possibility of OSA, fibrosarcoma oe undifferentiated sarcoma. Limb amputation with femoral disarticulation was performed uneventfully. The material was conserved in 10% formalin, submitted to macroscopic and microscopic evaluation, which showed a large number of fusiform and stellate cells, with indistinct edges, scarce eosinophilic cytoplasm, high nucleus:cytoplasm ratio and oval nucleus, presenting moderate to marked anisocariosis, loose chromatin, with unique and evident nucleoli, besides of bone trabeculae. Nuclear pleomorphism was moderate and there was four mitotic figures in three random high-power fields (400x). It was observed areas of vascular ectasia, and neoplastic embolization in lymphatic and blood vessels. Among the cells, collagenous stroma was predominant but in some areas there was an eosinophilic amorphous material with the possibility of osteoid matrix or collagen. There was also a large numbers of multinucleated giant cells. The histopathological result was compatible with a grade III giant cell rich OSA.Discussion: Although bone tumours are uncommon in cats, OSA is the most frequent, affecting maingly middle-aged to elderly cats, with a mean age of 10 years, which is different from the present report in a 4-year old cat, with FeLV persistent viraemia. Retroviral status may have influenced the development of the disease at na early onset. FeLV induces uncontrolled cell proliferation through insertional mutagenesis (usually near myc) inducing malignant neoplasias, mainly lymphoma, but also multiple cartilaginous exostosis, which, along with osteomyelitis and bone cyst were included in this patient´s list of differential diagnoses. Despite the macroscopic and radiographical andagressiveness there was no metastasis identified through chest radiographs or abdominal ultrasound, and feline OSA is associated with a lower metastatic rate, if compared to canine OSA. Cytological analysis was compatible with malignant mesenchymal neoplasia, being suggestive of giant cell rich OSA. There is no cytological classification for OSA, however cytological findings of malignancy may be correlated with the patient's clinical course. Cytological features were in agreement with the histopathological findings, compatible with a grade III giant cell rich OSA. Therefore, it is concluded that the characteristics of malignancy presented by cytology were sufficient for the recommendation of amputation of the affected limb, once there was no imaging sign of metastases in the chest or abdomen.
Non-inflammatory alopecia can affect animals at any age, but it is necessary to rule out other skin diseases, endocrinopathies and neoplasms, and when diagnosed there is no definitive and standardized treatment, thus the objective is to try to repilate the patient with integrative therapy. Canine patient treated in the dermatology sector at a veterinary clinic in Espírito Santo, with alopecia, hypotrichosis and desquamation all over the body where it has black fur. As a treatment with EccoVet ® equipment, photobiomodulation was performed using red light at a power of 2 joules with follicular growth effect, and blue and green light with an action equal to red light, but adding the effect of shine and softness on the coat and skin hydration, being performed just one weekly session. As a result, the patient started to repilate soon after the first session and achieved total improvement after five sessions. It is concluded that photobiomodulation promotes follicular growth of alopecia in dogs, provided that the protocol indicated for each situation is chosen, in a fast, non-invasive and practical way.
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