In this review, we briefly describe the biological application of PGPR for purposes of phytoremediating heavy metals. We address the agronomic practices that can be used to maximize the remediation potential of plants. Plant roots have limited ability ability mental from soil, mainly because metals have low solubility in the soil solution. The phytoavailability of metal is closely tired to the soil properties and the metabolites that are released by PGPR (e.g., siderophores, organ acids, and plant growth regulators). The role played by PGPR may be accomplished by their direct effect on plant growth dynamics, or indirectly by acidification, chelation, precipitation, or immobilization of heavy metals in the rhizosphere. From performing this review we have formed the following conclusions: The most critical factor is determining how efficient phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soil will be is the rate of uptake of the metal by plants. In turn, this depends on the rate of bioavailability. We know from our review that beneficial bacteria exist tha can alter metal bioavailability of plants. Using these beneficial bacteria improves the performance of phytoremediation of the metal-contaminated sites. Contaminated sites are often nutrient poor. Such soil can be nutrient enriched by applying metal-tolerant microbes that provide key needed plant nutrients. Applying metal-tolerant microbes therefore may be vital in enhancing the detoxification of heavy-metal-contaminated soils (Glick 2003). Plant stress generated by metal-contaminated soils can be countered by enhancing plant defense responses. Responses can be enhanced by alleviating the stress-mediated impact on plants by enzymatic hydrolysis of ACC, which is intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of ethylene. These plant-microbe partnerships can act as decontaminators by improving phytoremediation. Soil microorganisms play a central role in maintaining soil structure, fertility and in remediating contaminated soils. Although not yet widely applied, utilizing a plant-microbe partnership is now being recognized as an important tool to enhance successful phytoremediaton of metal-contaminated sites. Hence, soil microbes are essential to soil health and sustainability. The key to their usefulness is their close association with, and positive influence on, plant growth and function. To capitalize on the early success of this technique and to improve it, additional research is needed on successful colonization and survival of inoculums under field conditions, because there are vital for the success of this approach. In addition, the effects of the interaction of PGPR and plant root-mediated process on the metal mobilization in soil are required, to better elucidate the mechanism that underlines bacterial-assisted phytoremediation is important. Finally, applying PGPR-associated phytoremediation under field conditions is important, because, to date, only locally contaminated sites have been treated with this technique, by using microbes cultured in the laboratory.