Packard in his "Forest Insects" records B. aerosus as occurring on oak early in summer in Maine and late in May near Providence, R.I., and states t h a t Gillette (Canad. Ent. July, 1887) reared i t from larvx in poplar leaves, the mines being finished in October and the beetles appearing early the following May. Concerning B. ovatus, this species is recorded by Packard as follows "on laurel oak; imago issues latter part of April and early May (Riley's unpublished notes) ." Gillette also reports rearing the beetle from a larva mining a leaf of either red or black oak. Felt (N. Y. State Mus. hZem. 8; 2, p. 512-3) states t h a t B. aerosus was taken while feeding on elm during the latter half of May, and that B. ovatys was common on scrub oak the latter part of May and June. Blatchley in his ' b~o~e o~t e r a of Indiana" records aerosus as throughout the state, frequent, May 16-June 18, occurring on oak, hickory, elm and ovatus also as throughout the state and frequent, May 16-July 13, on oak in the leaves of which the larvz dwell. According t o Smith (Rept. N. J. State Mus. 1909) aerosus is found throughout New Jersey, not rare, on oak, May, June and ovatus is common throughout the state, June t o August on oak. Burke (U. S. Dept. Agric. Bull. NO. 437, 1917) summarizes the distribution, common habits and host trees of the genus Brachys as follows:-"Eastern and Central States, leaf miner in leaves : Populus ?, alder (Alnus), Fagus ?, chestnut (Castanea), oak (Quercus) ,