Opuntia has been long cultivated for forage, as well as for human consumption. The objectivewas to evaluate yield, thickness, length and width of cladodes of Opuntia while in the soil, pH,electrical conductivity, organic matter and nitrates were evaluated. The experiment wasconducted during three years 2008, 2009 and 2010 through a completely randomized blockdesign with factorial arrangement with three replications. The factors were doses of organicfertilizer (0, 20, 40, 60 t ha-1) and one inorganic fertilizer as control 100-100-0 kg ha-1 of N, Pand K, respectively and planting densities (4,435, 8,871, 8,887 and 13,323 plants ha-1) withdifferent topological arrangements. The results showed greatest yield at 60 t ha-1 in 2009 and2010. In 2008, yield was greater at 60 t ha-1 but was not significantly greater than 40 t ha-1,however was greatest than control. All plant variables were greatest at 60 t ha-1, although insome cases not significantly different from other dosages. For all 3 years, pH, electricalconductivity, organic matter and nitrate content at 60 t ha-1 and 13,323 plants ha-1 wereunacceptable ranges and were not significantly worse than inorganic fertilizer, dosages orplanting densities. In conclusion, organic fertilizer is an option to avoid use of non-organicfertilizers in order to improve Opuntia production as well as maintaining soil quality.