Vocabulary is a knowledge of words and word meanings. To increase the student’s vocabulary, the writer chosen game. A game is an alternative way to teach. One of the alternative games is a charades game. So, based on it the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of charades game toward student’s vocabulary. This study was conducted at the first-grade students of SMPN 18 Mataram in academic year 2017/2018. This study used a quasi-experimental design that is used pre-test and post-test control group design. The population of study involved 40 students from two classes SMPN 18 Mataram in academic year 2017/2018. The writer took all of the students as a sample, and they are 20 students belong to the experimental group and 20 students in the control group. In this study, the writer used the vocabulary test consists of 20 items multiple choice covered with the indicator of vocabulary consist of spelling, pronunciation, and meaning. The result of this study, the students could understand spelling, pronunciation, and meaning and they could answer the test vocabulary easily through charades game. In this data, pre-test, and post-test as the research technique of data collection, then followed by analyzing the data using the t-test formula. The level of significance is at 0, 05%, t-test = 2,99 and t-table= 2,02, Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference between the student's pre-test and post-test scores. Thus, the writer concludes that the charades game on the student’s vocabulary affects.
Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pelalawan needs an information system that helps management to process employee data so the data stored and managed well using database. This information system has 36 functionalities. Users' satisfaction for this functionalities are analysed using Kano's Method. A Kano questionnaire that build based on the functionalities is given to 24 respondents whose using this system. Processing the questionnaire's answer gives a fact that all functionalities are in onedimentional category which means that all of them have cover system performance need. Based on that, future system development will focused on adding some features that have attractiveness to the user.Keywordsemployee information system, user satisfaction, Kano method.Intisari -Pada Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pelalawan (AKNP) diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi yang nantinya akan memudahkan pengelola dalam mengolah data-data yang berhubungan dengan kepegawaian sehingga data tersebut tersimpan dan terkelola dengan baik menggunakan sebuah basis data. Sistem informasi kepegawaian ini memiliki 36 buah fungsionalitas/fitur. Kepuasan pengguna terhadap fungsionalitas sistem ini akan dianalisis menggunakan metode Kano. Kusioner Kano yang dibuat berdasarkan fungsionalitas sistem disebar kepada 24 orang responden yang merupakan pengguna sistem ini. Dari pengolahan kuisioner, didapatkan bahwa seluruh fungsionalitas sistem berada pada kategori one-dimensional dimana seluruh fitur telah memenuhi kebutuhan kinerja sistem. Oleh karena itu pengembangan/perbaikan sistem informasi akan difokuskan pada penambahan fitur yang menambah daya tarik sistem informasi.Kata Kuncisistem informasi kepegawaian, kepuasan pengguna, metode Kano
Punctuation is set of mark used in writing to clarify the meaning and to separate the sentences, word and part of word. The using of punctuation is considered as the important aspect in productive writing skill. Therefore, it was important students to master it. The purpose of this study is to find out the students’ errors in using punctuation in descriptive text made by second year students of SMPN 3 Wera in academic year 2017/018. The subject of this study is students’ from second year in SMPN 3 Wera. The mixed method qualitative and quantitative used in this study. The study applied purposive sampling. The researcher took 21 students as a sample at a class. In collecting the data, this study used observation and writing test as the research instrument then followed by analyzing the data using formula. This study found that were two kinds of punctuation and two types of errors (period, comma, omission and addition) which classified, there are 42 errors that occurs made by the students which consist of 11 or 26% students made errors in period, 15 or 36% errors of comma, 4 or 10% errors of addition and 12 or 28% errors of omission. The dominant errors showed by the students in form of comma which 15 or 36% errors. Based on the result of this study, the researcher concluded that the students still made many errors in using punctuation
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: efektifitas penggunaan metode pembelajaran kooperatif <em>Student Teams Achievement Division</em> (STAD) dan <em>Numbered Head Together</em> (NHT) berbantuan media <em>handout</em> terhadap prestasi belajar siswa materi Sistem Periodik Unsur kelas X SMA 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain <em>Randomized Postest Comparison Design</em>. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 20152016 yang terdiri dari 8 kelas. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X IPS 1 dan kelas X IPS 2 SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan <em>cluster random sampling</em>. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan: (1) instrument tes untuk mengukur kemampuan prestasi belajar aspek pengetahuan; (2) angket untuk mengukur prestasi belajar aspek sikap; (3) observasi untuk mengukur prestasi belajar aspek sikap dan keterampilan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode pembelajaran <em>Numbered Head Together</em> (NHT) disertai media <em>handout</em> lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran <em>Student Teams Achievement Division</em> (STAD) disertai media <em>handout</em> pada pokok bahasan sistem periodik unsur kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 pada prestasi belajar siswa aspek pengetahuan, tetapi menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang sama pada aspek sikap dan keterampilan.</p>
This study compares between the Type-1 Fuzzy and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy in Decision Support System (DSS). The case studied in this paper deals with supplier selection for development of new product. DSS is developed to recommend a decision in providing assessment criteria for the supplier. Both of the systems used similar membership functions and rules. It is shown that Type-2 Fuzzy can manage the level of uncertainty in decision making. In general, both systems have a surface resemblance. The result indicates that Type-2 Fuzzy based on decision making with a level of uncertainty can provide alternative decisions although it took about 56 times longer than type-1.
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