How to cite this article: Sazonova MA, Ryzhkova AI, Sinyov VV, Galitsyna EV, Orekhova VA, Melnichenko AA, Orekhov AN, Ravani AL, Sobenin IA. New markers of atherosclerosis: a threshold level of heteroplasmy in mtDNA mutations. Vessel Plus 2017;1:182-91.
Aim:The aim of the present article was the detection of threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial DNA mutations, above which a patient is at increased risk of atherosclerotic lesions. Besides, this parameter was detected for mutations, in which after reaching threshold heteroplasmy level, a protective antiatherogenic effect started to appear. Methods: The participants of the study were 700 women and men from the Moscow region. Fragments of DNA, amplified by polymerase chain reaction, were analyzed with pyrosequencing technology. Then on the basis of pyrograms' peaks in the samples, the heteroplasmy level of the investigated mitochondrial genome mutations was detected. Results: The threshold heteroplasmy level of 11 investigated mutations (m.5178C>A, m.15059G>A, m.652delG, m.13513G>A, m.14846G>A, m.652insG, m.12315G>A, m.3336T>C, m.1555A>G, m.14459G>A, m.3256C>T) in individuals with atherosclerotic plaques or thickening of the intima-medial layer of carotid arteries was detected. Conclusion: Using the method developed in our laboratory, the authors managed to determine threshold heteroplasmy levels of 11 mitochondrial genome mutations associated