The generally accepted position that the exo:endo rate ratio in the solvolysis of 2-norbornyl derivatives is the result of a ka process for exo and a k , process for endo was subjected to critical examination by investigating the exo:endo rate ratio as a function of solvent. These mesylates were synthesized, along with several representative derivatives (isopropyl, cyclopentyl, and cyclohexyl), and solvolyzed in pure water and in 60% aqueous acetone. The tosylates were solvolyzed in methanol and in formic acid. These data, as well as other data, including those for solvolysis in trifluoroacetic acid and hexafluoroisopropyl alcohol, were then subjected to critical examination. Over the entire range of solvents, log k,,, plots linearly against log kendo. This is not consistent with the usual interpretation that the solvolysis of the exo isomer involves a k A process, insensitive to the nucleophilicity of the solvent, whereas the solvolysis of the endo isomer involves a k , process, sensitive to the nucleophilicity of the solvent. The solvolysis of 2-adamantyl tosylate has been proposed as a representative k , process. Both e m -and endonorbornyl tosylates are nicely correlated with the rates of solvolysis of 2-adamantyl tosylates over the exceptionally wide range of solvents here examined. On the other hand, isopropyl, cyclopentyl, and cyclohexyl derivatives, postulated to involve k , processes, are not so correlated. Clearly it is necessary to reconsider the previous interpretation of the solvolysis of endo-norbornyl derivatives as involving a k , process and the exo:endo rate ratio as arising from the operation of k a / k , processes. The data are in better agreement with the solvolyses of both e m -and endo-norbornyl proceeding through processes that are essentially kc.0002-7863 I 7 8 I1 500-3143$01 .OO/O