-1031,3,2-Biphenyldioxaborepin (2,2'-Biphenoxyborane) as a New Hydroborating Agent. Directive Effects in the Hydroboration of the Alkenes and Alkynes.-The title borane, prepared from 2,2'-biphenol and borane, is stable at 0 • C for at least 6 months. It is found to be a more efficient hydroboration reagent than catecholborane, since it reacts with alkenes and alkynes to give high yields of the corresponding alkyl-and alkenylbiphenoxyboranes after a short reaction time. The hydroboration reactions proceed selectively via a cis-orientated mechanism. In all cases, the α-products, e.g. (II), (VII), or ( XIII), are obtained as main components after oxidation with alkaline H2O2. -(CHA, J. S.; SEO, J. B.; LEE, J. C.; KIM, J. M.; LEE, H. S.; PARK, Y. B.; UHM, J. K.; SHIM, S. C.; KIM, H. S.; KIM, T. J.; KWAK, Y. W.; LEE, D. H.; Heterocycles 32 (1991) 3, 425-430; Dep. Chem., Yeungnam Univ., Kyongsan 712-749, Korea; EN)