SUMMARYIn many areas of computational fluid dynamics, especially numerical convective heat and mass transfer, the 'Hybrid' and 'Power-Law' schemes have been widely used for many years. The popularity of these methods for steady-state computations is based on a combination of algorithmic simplicity, fast convesgence, and plausible looking results. By contrast, classical (second-order central) methods often involve convergence problems and may lead to obviously unphysical solutions exhibiting spurious numerical oscillations. Hybrid, Power-Law, and the exponential-difference scheme on which they are based give reasonably accurate solutions for steady, quasi-one-dimensional flow (when the grid is aligned with the main flow direction). However, they are often also used, out of context, for flows oblique or skew to the grid, in which case, inherent artificial viscosity (or diffusivity) seriously degrades the solution. This is particularly troublesome in the case of recirculating flows, sometimes leading to qualitatively incorrect results-since the effective artificial numerical Reynolds (or Peclet) number may then be orders of magnitude less than the correct physical value. This is demonstrated in the case of thermally driven flow in tall cavities, where experimentally observed recirculation cells are not predicted by the exponential-based schemes. Higherorder methods correctly predict the onset of recirculation cells. In the past, higher-order methods have not been popular because of convergence difficulties and a tendency to generate unphysical overshoots near (what should be) sharp, monotonic transitions. However, recent developments using robust deferredcorrection solution methods and simple flux-limiter techniques have eliminated all of these difficulties. Highly accurate, physically correct solutions can now be obtained at optimum computational efficiency.KEY WORDS: finite difference; finite volume; artificial viscosity; QUICK, hybrid; power-law
EXPONENTIAL-BASED SCHEMESExactly 40 years ago, Allen and Southwell' developed what is now called exponential differencing* for convection-diffusion operators. In the intervening period, several researchers have independently 'rediscovered' and/or approximated the basic elements of the Allen-Southwell scheme. The most notable of these convection-diffusion methods are the 'Hybrid' difference scheme of Spalding3 and the 'Power-Law' difference scheme of Patankar.4 These were combined with the SIMPLE pressure-solver4 in the so-called TEACH code5 developed at Imperial College, giving a robust, general-purpose elliptic-equation solver suitable for solving steady-state Navier-Stokes equations and associated heat and mass transfer problems. Over the past decade or more, the Hybrid and Power-Law methods have been used widely. Their popularity seems to have been increasing in recent years: at the most recent Thermal Problems conference6 in