A revised phase diagram of the partial system ZCaO,P,O,-CaO is presented, incorporating a new phase field for ;-3CaO,P,O, and a region of solid solution between 3Ca0,P,05 and ZCaO,P,O,. PORTIONS of the system CaO-P,O, have been studied by several previous workers with differing conclusions.192 Interest in the larger system CaO-P,O,-SiO, prompted us to reinvestigate the partial system 2Ca0,P,05-Ca0 concerning which there is controversy in the literature. Furthermore, we have recently discovered a new form of tricalcium phosphate,3y4 and revision of previous phase diagrams is thus needed.Experimental.-The preparation of materials and experimental procedure were as described earlier,* except for the following. Volatilization of phosphorus pentoxide from substances varying in compositions between 2CaO,P,O, and 3Ca0,P,05, and of calcium oxide from those between 3CaO,P,O, and 4CaO,P,O, precluded the use of high-temperature X-ray analysis which requires prolonged heating of the specimen. Much of the system was explored by hightemperature microscopy, which is sufficiently rapid to avoid this difficulty, but for phase identification in the subsolidus region the traditional quenching method followed by X-ray analysis in a Guinier-type focusing camera was also used. was used to investigatc the possibility of solid solution between 4CaO,P,O, and CaO.Selective " free lime " analysis