We present a new AFEM for the Laplace-Beltrami operator with arbitrary polynomial degree on parametric surfaces, which are globally W 1 ∞ and piecewise in a suitable Besov class embedded in C 1,α with α ∈ (0, 1]. The idea is to have the surface sufficiently well resolved in W 1 ∞ relative to the current resolution of the PDE in H 1 . This gives rise to a conditional contraction property of the PDE module. We present a suitable approximation class and discuss its relation to Besov regularity of the surface, solution, and forcing. We prove optimal convergence rates for AFEM which are dictated by the worst decay rate of the surface error in W 1 ∞ and PDE error in H 1 .1. Introduction. Let γ be a d dimensional surface in R d+1 (d ≥ 1) either with or without boundary, which is globally Lipschitz and piecewise in a suitable Besov class embedded in C 1,α with α ∈ (0, 1]. We design and study a quasi-optimal adaptive finite element method (AFEM) to approximate the solution of( 1.1) where f ∈ L 2 (γ) and −∆ γ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator (or surface Laplacian) on γ. In addition, we impose that u = 0 on ∂γ or require that γ u = 0 if ∂γ = ∅ (with γ f = 0 for compatibility). To represent ∆ γ , one needs to describe γ mathematically using, for example, parametric representations on charts, level sets, distance functions, graphs of functions, etc. Moreover, one usually obtains approximate solutions (finite element solutions) by solving the problem on approximate polyhedral surfaces rather than the surface γ itself. Exploiting the variational structure of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, [20] gives an a priori error analysis whereas [17,16,25,6] provide a posteriori counterparts. Our present objective is to continue our research on AFEM for elliptic PDEs on surfaces initiated in [25] for graphs and extended in [6] to parametric surfaces, the latter with polynomial degree n = 1. We design herein an AFEM for parametric surfaces using C 0 finite elements of degree n ≥ 1, prove optimal convergence rates and workload estimates, and study suitable approximation classes for the triple (u, f, γ).High-order finite elements are superior to linears for geometric problems: they provide better approximation of important geometric quantities such as curvature,