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Experimental SectionEquilibria. The knowledge of the solubility of a given substance is a prerequisite to investigate the crystallization. The solubility for the system CX-HC1-water-acetone a t 15 "C was determined in the following simple experiment. An acid solution of CX-HC1 and water of a known composition was placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, and a known Long-acting androgens are potentlaliy useful as male contraceptives and to maintain libido and potency under certain pathological conditions. This paper describes the synthesis of esters of testosterone with four bile acids as part of a World Health Organization Program for the synthesis and screening of potential longacting contraceptive agents. Two methods of esterification were fwnd to give optimum resutts of yield and purity of the final product: (a) reaction of the acid chloride with the thallium(1) salt of the steroidal alcohol and (b) reaction of the free acid with testosterone in the presence of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.