[1] OH and HO 2 mixing ratios and total OH reactivity were measured together with photolysis frequencies, NO x , O 3 , many VOCs, and other trace gases during the midsummer 1999 SOS campaign in Nashville, Tennessee. These measurements provided an excellent opportunity to study OH and HO 2 (collectively called HO x ), and their sources and sinks in a polluted metropolitan environment. HO x generally showed the expected diurnal evolution, with maxima around noon of up to about 0.8 pptv of OH and 80 pptv of HO 2 during sunny days. Overall, daytime observed OH and HO 2 were a factor of 1.33 and 1.56 times modeled values, within the combined 2s instrument and model uncertainties. The chain length of HO x , which is determined from the ratio of the measured total OH reactivity that cycles OH to the total HO x loss, was on average 3-8 during daytime and up to 3 during nighttime, in general agreement with expectations. However, differences occurred between observed HO x behavior and expectations from theory and models. First, HO 2 was greater than expected during daytime when NO mixing ratios were high; ozone production did not decrease as expected when NO was greater than 2 ppbv. Ozone production determined by the imbalance of the NO x photostationary state, which was almost twice that from HO 2 , also shows this dependence on NO. Second, the calculated OH production rate, which should equal the measured OH loss rate because OH is in steady state, is instead less than the measured OH loss rate by (1-2) Â 10 7 molecules cm -3 s -1 , with low statistical significance during the day and high statistical significance at night. Third, surprisingly high OH and HO 2 mixing ratios were often observed during nighttime. The nighttime OH mixing ratio and the HO 2 /OH ratio cannot be explained by known reaction mechanisms, even those involving O 3 and alkenes. Because instrument tests have failed to reveal any instrument artifacts, more exotic chemicals or chemistry, such as OH adducts or other radicals that fall apart into OH inside the instrument, are suspected.