In a recent paper (Bate-Smith & Bendall, 1949) it was shown that the timecourse of rigor mortis in rabbit muscle was determined principally by the glycogen-reserve of the muscle at death. As it had previously been shown (Bate-Smith & Bendall, 1947) that the 20-to 40-fold increase in the modulus of elasticity of the muscle, characteristic of the rapid phase of rigor, coincided with the rapid disappearance of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the muscle, the conclusion was drawn that the glycogen was merely acting as a reserve of energy for the resynthesis of ATP. In neither of these papers, however, was the role of creatine phosphate (CP), as a reserve of energyrich phosphate, fully taken into account, nor was direct evidence offered that it did not disappear from the muscle coincidentally with the ATP. In the present paper it will be shown that in well-rested and relaxed animals, the CP level is high immediately postmortem, but decreases rapidly thereafter, being reduced to less than 30 % of its initial level before there is any appreciable loss of ATP. This occurs whatever the rate of glycolysis, although the rate of breakdown of CP depends to some extent on the glycogen reserve at death.For well-fed, rested animals, the chief chemical events related to the onset of rigor mortis are (a) more or less rapid glycolysis from the moment of death, the rate depending on the pH-range traversed (cf. Bate-Smith & Bendall, 1949), (b) the disappearance of CP from the moment of death, the CP falling to 30 % of the resting level when the pH has fallen to about 6-8, (c) the disappearance of ATP, which begins when the CP has fallen below the 30 % level, and continues at a steady rate until it reaches 20 % of its resting level. At this point glycolysis is almost at a standstill, and the rate of ATP disappearance falls off markedly. As in the previous paper, the rate-determining factor in all these reactions is taken to be the breakdown of ATP by the ATP-ADP-ase systems in muscle,