It has been shown by Bate-Smith & Bendall (1947) that loss of extensibility during the course of rigor mortis in the psoas muscle of the rabbit is directly related to a rapid fall in the level of adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) from its value in the muscle at rest. For psoas muscles having the same initial pH and thus, by inference, being in a comparable physiological condition, the time elapsing before the onset of the rapid phase of rigor mortis, at any given temperature, depends on the magnitude of the glycogen reserve (Bate-Smith & Bendall, 1949). As long as the glycogen supply lasts, the process of anaerobic glycolysis can normally continue, 1-5 moles of ATP being produced from adenosinediphosphate (ADP) for every mole of lactic acid arising from glycogen (Lipmann, 1941). The maintenance of a high ATP level, and hence of pre-rigor extensibility, depends not only on the resynthesis of ATP by glycolysis: the level of creatine phosphate (CP), which serves as a reservoir for the formation of ATP from ADP, is also important. This is apparent from the fact that, irrespective of the glycogen reserves, the ATP level apparently diminishes rapidly as soon as 80 % of the CP initially present has been broken down (Bendall, 1951).In the present study, comparative observations have been made on the onset of rigor mortis in the longissimus dorsi, psoas, diaphragm and heart muscles of the horse. It has been confirmed that the loss of extensibility, characteristic of rigor mortis, is associated with a decrease of ATP in all four muscles. In the psoas of the rabbit, the onset of the rapid loss of extensibility occurs when the ATP level has fallen to about 60-65% of its initial value. On the other hand, the four horse muscles studied do not lose their pre-rigor extensibility appreciably until the ATP level has decreased to 30 % of its initial value. The maintenance of ATP levels in these muscles appears to depend on a CP reservoir to a significantly different extent in each and in 18-2