In aqueous sodium hydroxide [Ru(NH3),N0I3+ was converted to [RUNH,(NH,)~NO]~+ and [RU(NH,)~NO~]+. [RuNH,(NH,)~NO]X, (X = Br or I) was isolated from solutions of [OH-] = 0 . 5 ~ and [RU(NH,)~NO,]X,H,O (X = CI, Br, or I) from solutions of [OH-] = 5 ~. On setting aside or warming, [RuOH(NH,)~NO]X~ (X = Br or I ) were obtained; in solutions of [OH-] = 0.5-1.5~ the product was contaminated with [RU(NH,)~N~]~+. The physical properties of [RuNH,(NH,),NO]X, and [Ru(NH~)~NO,]X,H,O are reported.NITROSYL complexes of ruthenium were for some years considered to be inert to reaction at the nitrosyl group. Recently reactions of a variety of ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes with nucleophiles (ammonia, hydrazines, hydroxylamine, azide, and hydroxide) have been investigated.l-' Of particular relevance to the work here are the reactions of pentacyanonitrosylruthenium( II), [Ru-( CN),N0I2-, anionobis(2,2'-bipyridyl)nitrosylruthenium-(11), [RuX(bipy),N0I2+, and anionobis(0-phenanthro1ine)nitrosylruthenium(II), [RuX(phen),N0I2+ (X = C1, Br, or NO,) with hydroxide ion to form the corresponding nitro-complexes [Ru(CN),NO,]~-,~ [Ru(bipy),NO,X], and [Ru(phen),NO,X] . 2 3 3 For [Ru(bipy),NO,Cl] the reaction was reversible ; , no information on reversibility is available for [Ru(CN),N02]4-. We have shown previously that nitros ylpent a-amunineru thenium( 11) , [ Ru-( NH3),N0l3+, formed (dinitrogen) penta-ammineruthenium(II), [Ru(NH3),NJ2+, with N2H4 or NH, and (dinitrogen oxide) pent a-ammineruthenium, [ Ru(NI3,) 5-N,0I2+, with NH,OH.4 Also, we found [Ru(NH3),N0l4+ and hydroxide ion gave trarts-hydroxytetra-ammine-