Proteace^, HcBmodoracece^and Orchidacece ; concerning each of which it is necessary to offer some special observations. Myrtaceje. Of this extensive order, of which the Australian forms are so numerous and very peculiar, the Colony contains a large number of species, among which the Chamcelauciece are extremely interesting. These chiefly consist of bushes, with small heath-like leaves, and white, yellow, or purple flowers, of great brilliancy, more or less collected into heads. Although scarcely noticed in the reports of either Brown or Frazer, they form a most striking object in the vegetation. Of the genus Calytrix alone there are ten species in my collection ; the three most remarkable of which are C.jiavescens, Cunn., C. aurea,^(Tab. III. B), with oval imbricated leaves and heads of the brightest yellow flowers, whose sepals end in awns, at first yellow but afterwards olive-green; and C. sapphirina,^a most beautiful plant, with hispid W Calytrix aurea (Tab. III. B); strigoso-pubescens, foliis imbrlcatis oblongis obtusis ciliatis, bractels marglne membranaceis mucronatis tubo calycis brevioribus, aristis petalis duplo longioribus, floribus icosandris. (2) Calytrix sapphirina ; hispido-pilosa, foliis linearibus petiolatis carinatis, capitulis spha3ricis, foliis floralibus villosis, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis aciiminatis margine membranaceis tubo calycis gracili brevioribus, aristis tenuissimis petalis duplo longioribus, floribus icosandris. (3) Calytrix breviseta ; glaberrima, foliis linearibus semiteretibus obtusis mucronulatis, bracteis obovatis apiculatis tubo calycis sequalibus, aristis petalis paulo brevioribus, floribus icosandris axillaribus. Flowers pale lilac, (*) Calytrix variabilis ; glaberrima, foliis linearibus tetragonis obtusis minute papillosis imbricatis nunc lineari-oblongis distractis subverticillatis, bracteis obovatis apiculatis calycis tiibi longitudine, aristis ciliatis petalis paul5 longioribus, floribus icosandris axillaribus. Flowers lilac. (^) Calytrix simplex; ramulis pubescentibus, foliis linearibus obtusis glabris carinatis, bracteis lanceolatis acuminatis pubescentibus calycis tubo duplo brevioribus, aristis petalis paulo longioribus, floribus icosandris axillaribus. Flowers lilac. W Ca\y tm glutinosa ; glaberrima, foliis linearibus semiteretibus obtusis imbricatis, bracteis lanceolatis acuminatis glutlnosis tubo calycis paulo brevioribus ultra medium connatis, aristis petalis dupl5 longioribus, floribus icosandris corymbosis. Flowers apparently yellow, tinged with purple. vi APPENDIX. spreading heath-like leaves, and round heads of very deep violet ; all the others are pretty, and worthy of cultivation, althouo-h not so strikingly beautiful as those just mentioned. Still more remarkable than these is the magnificent Chrysorrhoe niteus (Tab. I.), whose yellow flowers of metallic lustre form masses of golden stars some feet in diameter; this plant, which I described some years since {Comjoanioji to Botanical Magazine, vol. ii. p. 357), is a small bush, and certainly one of the mo...