FIG. 102. Growth surfaces of interior walls.--1,2. Metrarabdotos tenue (BUSK), ree., Caroline Sta. 68 off NE. Puerto Rico; 1, frontal exterior, growth surface, etched, note numerous superimposed layers accreting laterally simultaneously in a manner analogous to gastropod nacre, X8,000 (bar = I ~m); 2, detail of lower left region of 1, X 16,000 (bar = I ~m); both USNM 209434.--3.4. Tremogasterina robusta (HINCKS), rec., Perim Is., Aden, Red Sea; basal interiors, distal toward top of photograph; note rhombic crystal shapes, accretionary banding, and occasional screw dislocations; both X5,000 (bar = 2 ~m), BMNH 1966.2.24.1.--5. Arachnopusia unicornis (HUTTON), ree., N.Z.; basal interior; screw dislocations more common than in 3.4 and accretionary banding virtually absent; X2,000 (bar = 5 ~m),